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The History Within The Louvre

A Collection of Art

Museums are often thought of as a mere collection of pieces throughout a period in history, but how much history shown depends on the museum. The Louvre is the largest museum in the world; it is located in Paris, France. This museum has historical pieces dating back to 1848, and has an array of art mediums throughout its massive halls. Sculptures, pottery, and even famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa can all be seen within the museum.

Exploring The Louvre

The Louvre has a portion of their website that allows for virtual tours of different exhibits, so that you can enjoy the art even if you can’t get to The Louvre. One of the virtual tours I decided to explore was “FOUNDING MYTHS: FROM HERCULES TO DARTH VADER”, which was the first Petite Galerie exhibition. It displays a collection of works from various cultures and time periods that reflect myths from throughout history. One example is of this small statue, in which Hercules is slaying a monster, likely depicting one of his many labors that are key in the stories surrounding Hercules.

The Overall Time at The Louvre

Though this blog post discusses only one exhibit, there is something for everyone at The Louvre, and it is definitely worth checking out if you would like to explore art from different time periods and cultures! The website provides access to plenty of exhibits to check out, as well as some French podcasts, kids entertainment, and more! Use this link to check out all that The Louvre has to offer!


The Louvre official website: https://www.louvre.fr/en

Britannica : https://www.britannica.com/topic/Louvre-Museum

Virtual Field Trip to Neave Planetarium

For my virtual field trip, I visited the Neave Planetarium which is a website that allows those who use it to tour outer space. Visitors of the website can enjoy all the aspects of space including learning about the stars, planets, constellations, and more. One of my favorite things about it was how users can customize their view of the night sky to what they particularly want to see. There is so much to learn about space, and always some new information to take in, which can be a lot, but being able to select exactly what you are interested in is essential in keeping the passion for learning strong.

My Experience

Although I observed many of the options the online Planetarium had to offer, I mainly focused on constellations as they are one of my main interests when it comes to outer space. With a certain setting, I was able to see the art of the constellation instead of just the outline which made the experience all that more amazing. I compared the art of the constellations to the outlines in order to see the details that were implemented and tried my best to find the constellations in the sky shone without the help of the website.


The website is easy to navigate as users can select different settings, choose exactly what they want to see by clicking on the options at the bottom of the page, as well as searching for specific stars or planets, and can also randomly click on stars in the sky. When selecting a certain constellation, planet, etc., a brief description pops up showcasing the user where it is, what its name is, and more. The bottom of the page is filled with options visitors can click on that will show up in the night sky including constellations, deep sky objects, the atmosphere, etc.


The Neave Planetarium is one of the many online tools that are amazing to introduce in the classroom and can inspire students to learn more about outer space. Even if students are not as interested in the Science behind space, the stories behind the stars and planets are, in my opinion, enough to intrigue anybody. There is so much we still don’t know about Outer space, but there is also so much to offer to everybody who takes an interest in learning about it. The Planetarium is a great way to introduce students into learning about our galaxy and planets, as well as letting them observe and explore what makes up our galaxy.

Virtual Field Trip to Mount Vernon

I visited the virtual tour for George Washington’s Mount Vernon Mansion. I was very intrigued by its name and wondered what this place was about. The Mount Vernon Mansion used to be where George Washington and his wife Martha Washington lived. It has rich history as well as lots of space and numerous facilities. Specifically, this mansion consists of multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, a blacksmith shop, gardens, farms, and a river. What I enjoyed the most about this virtual trip was seeing all the beautiful views. I loved seeing how huge each room was, especially the bed chambers. Each room seems to have their own unique charm. Overall, I enjoyed this experience and would recommend it for anyone who loves U.S. History.

The image above shows the Blue Room. It was originally part of the White Room. Washington used this room to store wood and lumber until it became a bed chamber. As the Blue Room started to look more like the image above, its walls were painted blue with a settle white pattern.

The Upper Garden, shown in the image above, was once used to grow fruit and nuts. Nowadays, this garden showcases flowers, vegetables, and has a green house as well.

Van Gogh Museum

Would you believe me if I told you I was at the famous Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands, just two minuets before walking into my class at Stockton University? Probably not, however, I am going to tell you how you can make that possible.

Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the History of Western Art. The Van Gogh Museum provides free, virtual tours for people from all over the world to explore his notorious artwork. Not only can you view the Van Gogh’s beautiful creations in this tour, but you can navigate all four floors of the virtual building with a 360 view. Under each piece there is a full description about the artwork.

Before this invention, visiting the Van Gough Museum has typically been a once in a lifetime bucket-list experience. Now, with this virtual tour we can visit whenever and wherever we please. For me, exploring the museum virtually is a great way for me to wind down after a long day. I enjoy observing the art and reading each description to ease my mind.

As you can see above, you have the option to choose which floor you would like to explore by clicking on one of them.

Tourists can navigate the building using their mouse or keyboard buttons to explore the artwork.

Here is an example of a description you would find under an art piece. Each one is very detailed and provides a lot of information.

I encourage all art, travel and history lovers to go check out the Van Gough Museum. It feels like you are really there.. for free!


Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park

I chose to visit the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park in Florida, virtually, a decision that was driven by multiple reasons. First, is my fascination with ocean life and the exciting creatures that inhabit them, one being manatees. Since childhood, I have formed a love for these gentle animals of the sea. In fact, during my younger years, I took the initiative to adopt a manatee, an experience that allowed me to name the manatee and to closely monitor its whereabouts as it swam through its aquatic environment.
Furthermore, my interest in manatees extends beyond admiration; I am also deeply invested in their conservation and well-being. My awareness of the various threats facing these magnificent creatures, from habitat loss to collisions with boats, has only served to strengthen my commitment to learning more about them and supporting efforts to protect their natural habitats.
Against this backdrop, the opportunity to virtually explore the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park held fascination. With its innovative live video camera feeds providing captivating glimpses into the underwater world of manatees, the park offers a unique and immersive experience that allows visitors like myself to observe these majestic animals in their natural habitat from the comfort of our own homes.
The beauty of the scenes captured by the park’s live feeds left a lasting impression on me. As I watched the manatees gracefully navigate their aquatic area, I couldn’t help but admire their beauty and the importance of preserving it for future generations to enjoy.
In conclusion, my virtual visit to the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park was both educational and deeply fulfilling. It served as a poignant reminder of the critical importance of protecting our natural world and the extraordinary creatures that call it home.

The Supreme Court Virtual tour

In this virtual tour we get to take a look at the inside of all of the rooms that encompass the supreme court building. We see all three of the courtrooms, the Justices’ Library, Lawyers’ Suite, and the lobby of this amazing building. In this tour you also get to learn about the architecture of the building, the facilities, and the artwork. Within this tour you can also gain access to how you can schedule your own visit in person to walk around and see this magnificent building for yourself. It was a very great virtual tour and being someone like me who is so into history I loved seeing all the different rooms inside of the building. In this tour you learn a lot of great information about the building, the art in the rooms, and as well as where the justices work inside of this great building. My favorite part of this virtual tour has to be seeing each separate court room and the differences between each one.


Virtual Tour of Ellis Island

While Ellis Island has been closed for just about 70 years, it had a major impact on the lives of many people trying to enter the country for the first time and it has cemented itself as a major part of the History of the US. Today I am going to share some interesting details and facts I learned while partaking in a virtual tour of the island.

Arrival in Awe

Ellis island itself is located not too far away from Liberty Island which holds the famous statue of liberty which was built in 1886. Many immigrants arriving in New York harbor for the first time were greeted with this amazing sight to behold. Many would cheer or weep with joy at the sight, a symbol that their journey to the US had finally finished. Yet for many passengers, they still had a lot to go through before they could step foot in the US as after a quick health inspection, most immigrants were brought to Ellis Island to undergo immigration processing.

(The statue of liberty seen from the side of a passing ship.)

Processing People

Once immigrants arrived at Ellis Island, they were forced to undergo a series of more intensive health inspections as doctors checked for issues such as sickness, disease, physical impairments, and even troubled breathing. While most people had to wait 3-5 hours for these health checks to be completed, this wasn’t because the tests were lengthy but because the amount of people entering each day made the lines incredibly long. People that failed health inspections were placed into quarantine to undergo further inspections and some were even sent back to their home countries.

(A woman undergoes an eye exam during processing.)

The Legal Inspection

Once people passed the health examination, they would meet one on one with a uniformed inspector. This inspector had access to records on each immigrant’s information which was provided by the crew of ships the passengers arrived on. The inspector would then ask questions such as “Where were you born? Are you married? What is your occupation? Have you ever been convicted of a crime? How much money do you have? What is your destination?” If the immigrant gave any information’s that contradicted what was stated on the records provided by the crew, they could be detained for further questioning. If the information checked out, they would continue up a flight of stair before finally being free to start a new life in a new country.

(An official question’s an immigrant on their records.)

Final Thoughts

Having never participated in many virtual tours this was a really incredible presentation of an important place and part of US history. As an aspiring history teacher, I would love to be able to implement these kinds of tours into my classroom so I can provide a more interesting and engaging learning environment for students.

Thanks everyone for checking out my 5th Blog. If you’d like to check out the virtual tour of Ellis Island yourself, click this link https://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/immigration/tour/index.html. If you get the chance check out my previous 4 for more stories and details on education related subjects.

My Virtual Tour through the Smithsonian

Using a computer or mobile device, visitors may use virtual tours to explore the museum’s exhibits and locations on their own at their own pace, room by room. Along with historical exhibits that are no longer on display, visitors can also access specific collections and study areas at our satellite support and research stations.

How to Navigate the Site

Getting to the Virtual Tour is simple, click the VISIT tab up on the top. Scroll down the the VISIT AT HOME click on the READ MORE and it will bring you the Virtual Tour page. There you can find the ACCESS THE TOURS and pick which tour you would like to go on from your computer or smart device.

Current Exhibits

The tour I went on was the Current Exhibits. Once clicked on the Current Exhibit box it sent me to a long list of all of the exhibits, the list starts from the entrance where the Big Elephant is all the way to the Museum Grounds.

You can start your tour at any part of the Museum! I started in the Hall of Mammals, there are a list of links that can take you to any part of the exhibits.

Seeing the Exhibit

It was amazing with all of the angle you could do while in the Virtual Tour. The control panel let you move 360 degrees so you can see all of the exhibits angles. The arrows allowed me to move left, right, up, and down. You can even enhance the screen with the + or get closer to the exhibits with the – .

My Experience

The Virtual Tour was a great way to see all of the fun and educational exhibits at the Smithsonian. It was easy to use and best of all it was FREE! This would be a great activity to do in a classroom! It can be a fun scavenger hunt to do with the whole class. Over all I rate the Virtual Tour experience a 8 out of 10, I rather be in person and it took me a minute to get the hang of using the control bar but it was fun to explore the Museum being at home.


The sky is the limit, or rather, the depths of the ocean is, as you contemplate the possibilities of a virtual field trip for your classroom. Virtual excursions have revolutionized the educational journey, propelling learning experiences to unprecedented heights.

Imagine whisking your students away on a digital voyage to the very heart of the topics they’re studying. Where learning the intricacies of ecosystems, complexities of food chains, and the urgent realities of climate change can all be taught through a trip to the coral reefs.  This virtual field trip offers an immersive and engaging platform to explore these important lessons.

 The virtual field trip starts with going over everything the students will learn.


Then goes into depth of the first learning objective.

 After those three slides we begin the exploration!

Pop up videos helps further the exploration and understanding of the key concepts.  

Three more learning objectives are explained in this virtual field trip following with more organisms and areas to explore.

The virtual field trips offered by https://sites.google.com/a/stockton.edu/gsdlc/virtual-field-trips allows access to environments that might otherwise be inaccessible to students. It’s not just about learning facts from a textbook; it’s about experiencing and interacting with the subject matter firsthand, allowing a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world around us.

So, when it comes to enriching the classroom lessons, a virtual field trip might be the way to go! The boundless opportunities of virtual field trips will spark the students’ curiosity and their knowledge will expand like never before.

The Taj Mahal

I chose the virtual tour of The Taj Mahal. The reason I chose this is because The Taj Mahal is referred to as one of the “Seven Wonders of the World.” The Taj Mahal is made of magnificent white marble located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely known as a symbol of love. The Taj Mahal attracts a large number of tourists because of its architectural beauty. The symmetrical layout and the delicate carvings make it a visually stunning monument. In addition, photography is something that most of the tourists like about. The Taj Mahal reflection in the surrounding pools, the changing colors during sunrise and sunset.
