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Hyperdocs and using Edpuzzle

Hyperdocs are such an amazing tool, all educators should have in their back pocket. It is a interactive assignment for students, it gives students more of a personalized learning experience. Since they are able to go back and rewatch, answer questions while watching, and overall extends the learning of students. For example, edpuzzle stops students during the video to see if they know what they just watched, this is done in multiple choice or open ended questions. The picture below shows a video, and in the “To Complete” area it shows in the video there will be an open ended question to answer.

At the end of your assignment it also shows the student how they did, getting an immediate grade. Helping both the student and teacher out, teachers do not have to grade as much, and students if it is multiple choice gets a grade immediately. If it is open ended the teacher gets to go on and grade the student based on their response, which is another nice feature.

This picture shows where the questions in the video are located for this specific assignment. It also shows the colors green, gray, and red. Gray shows that one was a open ended and is not yet graded, green shows it is correct, and the red will tell the student what they got wrong in the assignment.

Virtual Field Trip

Trip to the U.S. Supreme Courthttps://www.supremecourt.uk/visiting/360-degree-virtual-tour.html

The virtual field trip was exciting, the rooms were absolutely immaculate. The awesome creativity, from the paintings on the walls to the stained glass. I especially liked the exclusive hire. When the court is not sitting, they have this spacious elegant room for private dinners, conferences, and meetings. During the virtual tour, I saw the summary case, with the facts, the judgment, and the appeal. I could see the facilities, the exhibition. The virtual tour was a good experience.


Edpuzzle is a great tool for a HyperDoc. Edpuzzle is a website and app that tracks students participation in the video. Edpuzzle allows teachers to create checkmarks and questions that are embedded into the video. This feature is a great way for teachers to find out if the student is paying attention or not.

              These questions can come at any moment in the video, and you can ask many different types of questions. For example in this picture below, you can see that the video is about 4 minutes long and there is one question in the video. As you can see in the picture this question is an open ended response question. You can make the questions multiple choice as well.

              The student is also allowed to rewatch the video or a section of the video if they missed the answer. This gives the students a chance to go back if they missed some of the information. Using this tool as a student it is very helpful to go back in the video and doesn’t create too much stress.

You are able to see from this picture the format of the open-ended question that the video ended with. It will also provide an image of what it looks like for the student to complete an edpuzzle video. For this specific assignment it needs you as the teacher to grade it, so for that reason it will look like this for the student.

Virtual Tours: The National Museum of Natural History

Virtual tours became a very popular tool to use during the pandemic, allowing people to “visit” their favorite place or museum without having to leave your home! One of my favorite places to visit virtually and in-person is The National Museum of Natural History. This museum is full of many different past, present, and futuristic exhibits allowing all ages to have fun! The virtual tour also offers many details and stories along with interactive graphics one may not receive in-person. The museum can become very crowded, especially in the gem and fossil exhibits, making one feel rushed. The virtual tour will ensure that you can learn about the objects, where and when they were from, and the importance of their existence! I highly recommend this virtual tour for all ages and can guarantee that every visit will lead you to new information!

Virtual Tour | Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (si.edu)

I’m New Here

Coming to a strange place, leaving your family. Leaving what’s familiar, and having to put your culture aside. Learning to adapt, and fear the unknown, can be stressful. This can be challenging for the teacher. It is no longer just academics that is taught. Students will learn to become selfless and be a teacher’s helper. This is a perfect learning tool. When a student gets promoted and goes to a classroom where everyone is a different learner, and their friends are in another class. The classroom is filled with students from different cultures, it’s time for all hands on deck to create a safe learning environment. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/158089612X


Etech Book of Interest

Inclusive learning 365-Edtech Strategies for Every Day of the Year and other toolshttps://www.imperial.ac.uk/staff/educational-development/teaching-toolkit/inclusive-learning-and-teaching/what-is-inclusive-learning-and-teaching-and-why-is-it-important/

I’m a ParaProfessional. To work in an inclusive classroom is very rewarding. To help teach students with different learning styles has its challenges, but every day I feel like I’ve accomplished something. Witnessing their compassion, empathy, and willingness to help each other swells my heart. I watch the students glow, and grow. Their self-esteem is built up, and their faces shine bright like the sun.


Inclusive learning 365 Edtech Strategies for every dayhttps://www.bing.com/search?q=inclusive+learning+and+teaching&pc=GD01&form=GDAVST&ptag=4501 of the year and other tools


I chose to examine a hyperdoc about Animal Adaptations. This hyperdoc shows how to COMPARE & CONTRAST HOW ANIMALS USE PHYSICAL AND BEHAVIORAL ADAPTATIONS IN ORDER TO SURVIVE. This hyperdoc includes suggestions for teachers who are teaching about this subject, along with teacher notes and student goals. This hyper doc gives great examples and pictures to create a safe learning space and allows for this information to be easily acknowledged and remembered. This hyperdoc shows how to can grasp our students attention and shows fun learning games and assignments for students to engage in.

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

The National Museum of Natural History is a natural history museum administered by the Smithsonian Institution, located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., United States. it is open 364 days a year and has free admission! The museum was founded in 1910, and its current director is Kirk Johnson.

The virtual tour has many different places to visit. You can tour permanent exhibits, current exhibits, past exhibits, the museum support center and research stations. I took a look at the Rotunda: South which showcased the African Bush Elephant.

Next, I visited David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins where I saw Lucy. Lucy is a 32 million year old early human skeleton found in Ethiopia.


Be sure to follow me on X!! @morganmertz2026

My Field Trip to the 9/11 Tribute Museum

September 11, 2001 is one of the most traumatic days the United States have been through. Thousands of people have lost their lives due to the terrorist attack. Families and friends still suffer from the loss that 9/11 has caused them. When taking a virtual tour of the 9/11 Tribute Museum you can feel the emotion and heartbreak through the images and names of people remembered. The museum also has firemen suits that were used during the terrorist attack. The 9/11 Tribute Museum is filled will emotion and stories that help people understand the extremes when facing this terrorist attack. It helps explain the many questions kids have today for what went on during 9/11. It was a great experience to go through all those emotions and witness from a far of what people went through.

Exploring the Secret Annex – A Virtual Tour of the Anne Frank House

Visitors can tour the little hiding place where Anne Frank and her family hid during World War II in an interactive virtual field trip. Viewers can learn about the everyday problems, aspirations, and daily lives of the residents through the use of detailed 3D renderings and audio narrations. Every area of the house, from the secret door beneath the bookshelves to Anne’s bedroom and the attic where she wrote her famous diary, conveys an emotional story. The virtual tour provides an effective way of teaching and remembrance, guaranteeing that the experiences of the Holocaust and Anne’s legacy will never be forgotten.

The tour can be found at https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/secret-annex/

Who was Hiding and Who Helped

This is a useful diagram that shows who was involved in the Secret Annex, including the helpers and those who were in hiding.

Taking a Look Inside

As stated in the virtual tour The bathroom is to the right, the Frank family’s room is to the left, and Mr. and Mrs. Van Pels’ room is upstairs from this landing.
As explained in the virtual visit everyone in hiding (8 people total) had to share the bathroom’s sink and toilet.
According to in the virtual tour This served as the Frank family’s living room during the day and as Otto, Edith, and Margot’s bedrooms at night.
Here was where those in hiding shared meals and cooked together while listening to the radio. The space was transformed into Mr. and Mrs. Van Pels’ bedroom at night.
Anne, an opinionated teenager, stayed in the same room as Fritz Pfeffer, a guy half her father’s age. Tensions resulted from this. The writing desk was the primary source of their disagreement.

Anne decorated her room with pictures of Hollywood stars, art, and royalty. These scene, you can really imagine her sitting at her desk and pouring her heart out onto the pages of her diary.

As the Tour Comes to an End

The virtual tour is an excellent educational resource. It helps teachers to make history interesting and approachable, encouraging critical thinking, empathy, and conversations on the value of tolerating differences and speaking out against injustice.

Anne Frank House’s Secret Annex is a praiseworthy project that guarantees the legacy of Anne Frank and the lessons learned from the Holocaust for coming generations.

