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Maldives – Paradise Islands

Many international resorts offer their guests “primordial purity, unique nature, snow-white beaches” and so on, when on the Maldives all these are perfect in a special way. The islands lie on a territory of 815km from North to South, this being said people only live on about 200 islands, while the rest stay uninhabited. The biggest island is only 8km, the other islands can be reached by small planes or seaplanes. The unique idea of Maldivian resorts is “one island-one resort-one hotel” and each one differs with its unique atmosphere and design. But it’s not easy to leave your island whenever you wish: the special permit is often required and, moreover, you have to pay for it some amount of money. Besides, you will be obliged to return back to the hotel in order to spend there a night. Alcohol and Pork meat is forbidden in the Maldives and cannot be taken in by tourist. The islands of the Maldives are very pretty but don’t be fooled, they are a very strict Islamic country!

Read More about the Maldives from the inspired page https://www.airpano.com/360photo/maldives-08-2023-part-1/

Microsoft Whiteboard: A Domain of Collaboration, Creation, and Communication

Author: Chase Iaconelli

Date: 06/17/2024

A screenshot of Microsoft Whiteboard being used for a Marketing Project by work associates.

Upon reading Chapter 2 (Communicators) in the Sail the & C’s textbook, Microsoft Whiteboard and its far-reaching applicability for teachers and students was something that pronounced itself. Microsoft Whiteboard is a versatile program that enables people to work on projects and presentations in real time, with a landscape that is rife with potential and creativity. Students can harness the power of their ideas by adding graphics, text, images, animations, all while communicating with their partners during the creative process. The environment of Microsoft Whiteboard is fluid and open, users are able to manipulate the canvas of their project in a way to invites input and changes on go, allowing for alterations to be made seamlessly. Not only does Microsoft Whiteboard encourage students to facilitate communication, but it does so in a manner that fosters educational engagement with the class content. In the age of technology, students have access to more information than ever before, and Microsoft Whiteboard channels this reality by allowing its users to use the application on any device, so that once you leave your computer, you can work on the project on your phone, tablet, or even virtual reality headsets.

In academia and professional development, one of the pervasive struggles people face is the effectiveness of brainstorming and constructing a plan. There are many avenues that people can take to ease these struggles, but only some offer the tools that Microsoft Whiteboard does. From its colorful platform of notetaking to the mechanisms of video and voice chat, the displayed whiteboard is meant to serve as a blueprint for those seeking detailed and nuanced collaboration with their partners to integrate their ideas from the abstract to reality. Microsoft Whiteboard allows multiple users to operate simultaneously within the space, increasing efficiency and effectiveness as it relates to time-sensitive deadlines. The educational value of the application pronounces itself when one considers how students might use the whiteboard for storyboards and group projects that demand communication and collaboration. Teachers can track their student’s progress as they work through the differences in their approaches and watch their endeavors evolve from rough ideas into a fully formed and cohesive direction. Since the whiteboard allows an organic expression of ideas, students can divide their contributions to the project into tasks. One student can work on the text, another can input pictures, and another can find documents or videos to include, providing a well-rounded and all-encompassing environment for equal participation.

There is an aspect of this application that serves a greater purpose for the multiple intelligences of diverse learners in the classroom. Neurotypical learners will surely benefit from using Microsoft Whiteboard. However, those who have learning disabilities such as ADHD, Dyslexia, or Autism can find much more profound meaning in this program as well. Visual learners might need help with the often rigid and uninspired classroom lessons using Microsoft Whiteboard due to its use of colorful images, graphics, drawing functions, and mind maps. Those with auditory processing difficulties may be eased by the fact that they can use the whiteboard to record lessons or lectures. Kinesthetic learners can harness the platform’s hands-on features so they will feel more connected to the course’s content. Moreover, those who struggle with the communication element of schooling will find encouragement in the exciting aspects of collaboration and virtual involvement.
Microsoft Whiteboard, in addition to all of the programs that Microsoft Education offers, gives students the freedom to express themselves in a new and creative domain that differentiates the fundamental lessons of the classroom. It enables them to build their critical thinking skills and connection to their fellow students as they navigate the challenges and trials of their educational journey. This is just one more tool teachers can use to further the innovation of how content is delivered and the new ways that students interact with it.

Wakelet Tools

In the textbook, Sail the 7 C’s, I was able to access a Wakelet that provided me with a variety of tools that can be utilized in classrooms to stimulate learning. I comprised a list of my favorites.

Microsoft Forms

Microsoft forms allows educators to survey and assess students virtually, allowing for more accessibility. If a student is not present in the classroom, they can still participate via these forms. This tool allows teachers to create quizzes, polls, and surveys while also allowing anonymity. This tool would also be great for allowing students to quiz their peers on what they know as a study material.

Sway Life Stories

Sway Life Stories is an app that allows users to creatively use pieces of art in presentations. Videos, pictures, and text can be inserted into a presentation that can be gone through at your own pace. Sway Life Stories also allows several people to access the same presentation at once, further allowing learning at your own pace.


Flipgrid is a tool that I am intimately familiar with, as I have used it for courses before. Educators can assign a question that a student answers in video format. The student can then proceed to watch their peers’ content and comment in text or video form. Flipgrid allows students to convey their knowledge in an informal context while simultaneously allowing students more comfort and pushing them out of their comfort zones.

Microsoft Translator for Education

In the accompanying Wakelet for Chapter 2 in the textbook, Sail the 7 C’s, I found this site that Microsoft created that provides a free translator for teachers with students that do not speak the same language. This translator can be used for all types of languages and even sign language as well, so kids who are deaf can learn just as quickly as their other classmates.

This app can create a lot of diversity in the classroom, especially if there are one or more students that do not speak English or have trouble speaking a certain language, it can allow the teacher and other classmates to communicate with those students and make sure that they do not fall behind or feel left out during lessons or conversations. It can also open up lots of possibilities for teachers to teach abroad and travel to different countries and teach at foreign countries where schooling is a very limited thing.

Overall, Microsoft really closed the bridge with communication gaps by creating this translator. It can open the door to many new teaching possibilities in the future and will help children all around the world grow and thrive in their futures.



In-Game Chat Functions

Sure, here is the revised version of your text with improved grammar and clarity:

In Chapter 2 of “Communicators,” I read about Monika, who had a student that is nonverbal and had been left out by some of his classmates in the past. While playing Minecraft, he was able to use an in-game chat feature that allowed him to communicate with his peers through text. Monika noticed that the student was now being seen as a “cool kid” and began getting asked for help both within and outside of Minecraft. The boost in self-esteem this gave the student was amazing. This was not only a significant step for our nonverbal student but also for the entire class, as they all learned to adapt and complete tasks that others found impressive, fostering a greater willingness to communicate.

Learning About History Through Minecraft

by Michael Reynolds

Minecraft is a game that millions across the world play every single day. Being the world’s biggest videogame, it’s proven to be a source of entertainment for many people of many ages. The game lets you create anything you desire, in your own unique world. This opens up the opportunity to use Minecraft for educational purposes. An amazing idea that teacher Stephane Cloatre thought of was to implement minecraft into creating historical sites nearby her school. This created an interactive and fun learning experience for all her students.

Students from Cloatre’s class created this local historical structure in Minecraft

Minecraft is an excellent way to learn and engage with history. Like Cloatre’s class, recreating structures from history is a brilliant way to engage with history. By not only learning about historical structures, but recreating them yourself in Minecraft, it’s a fun way to keep students interested in history. This also can help students be more creative, as they work to design and recreate the historical structure in Minecraft, which isn’t too easy, requiring planning and possible blueprinting. It’s a tool that could help refresh students in the classroom and let them have fun while learning.

There are never limits to Minecraft builds: Here is a recreation of the Eiffel Tower

Minecraft in historical education is not only a refreshing way for students to learn in the classroom, but it’s something that could creatively expand students’ knowledge of their history, whether it’s local or world history. The limits are endless, and a game like Minecraft shows that with the outstanding efforts millions put into creating their own worlds, or recreating our world, in a virtual environment.


Chapter Two of Sail the & C’s textbook focused on communication. We do not think we would learn anything about it because we communicate with people daily through social media and in-person conversations. One thing I learned in chapter two is that sometimes teachers think they are over-communicating with parents to ensure everyone is on the same page. As a long-term substitute this school year, I did not know I was over-communicating with parents; I thought I was not communicating enough. I did not realize there would be a thing as over-communicating for teachers, as their goal is to keep parents informed.


A Ticket Around The World

This book is a children’s book about a young boy who travels around the globe, visiting friends in 13 different countries spanning all six populated continents. Along the way, he introduces us to each friend’s environment and customs, and shares interesting facts about each country’s culture, language, food, geography, wildlife, landmarks and more.

It is important to have children’s books that explain different cultures rather then touching on them because kids will learn about what cultures there are and why there are different cultures. The goal is to have students read books like A Ticket Around The World and understand that everyone is different and everyone believes different things, so we can accept everyone for who they are and where they come from. We are all human and we just are trying to pave the path of life.

Want to purchase A Ticket Around The World?


What Is Real?

It’s getting harder and harder recognize Truth and reality from fake encounter fit.

Every time we learn to spot the fakes And lies online, Technology gets that much better to hide it.

There are some universal things that we can do including the six R’s however the safest thing to do is not move too quickly or invest too much.


Collaboration in Education:

A school empowered over one thousand students with a partnership with Robotex to help children explore their STEAM passions while impacting their world.
