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Authentic Learning

I found Adventures in Authentic Learning by Kristian Harrington to be the most interesting book. Harrington includes information from the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education). This information provides early education teachers with class activities and projects that integrates technology to the benefit of students.

Elevating paper based activities with technology can allow more creativity and learning to flourish minds.

Using this type of learning it can develop…

  • creativeness
  • critical thinking skills
  • team work skills
  • communication skills
  • technology literacy

Inclusive Learning 365

What I found most interesting was the 365 strategies in particular strategy 1 Titled “Evaluating Apps for Educational Effectiveness Using a Quality Assurance Rubric“(p.26) It takes to account what educators should consider when using apps for learning in the classroom such as, does the app include rich engaging experiences that invite a high degree of interactivity, or is open-ended to support problem solving and creativity to name a few. This strategy also provides an array of resources including an educational apps checklist. As a future educator a strategy such as this will make my technology learning experience with my students more interactive and engaging.

This image provided by Kidslox

AI Projects for Secondary Education

The book I found the most interesting was on the different AI projects for students at a secondary education level. This book interested me because I want to pursue a career in secondary education and would like to encourage the use of technology for students to learn. The start of the book defines AI, lists ways that AI can be useful, and explains why the use of AI can be useful in a class setting.

Chat GPT is a popular use of AI that is commonly seen negatively, but with proper use, it is a great tool.

AI is a good tool for education because it can offer a lot of help, such as:

  • support of productivity and learning
  • increase students consumerism of medias
  • encourage investigative skills

These are good tools for the classroom because students can use these skills to write informative essays or projects without relying on the instructor too heavily. This can give the instructor time to give feedback on assignments instead of constantly answering questions.

Teaching with ed tech

I choose the article Ed Tech for the K-12 classroom I choose this article because without even reading it I already thought it was going to be interesting because since I would like to be a 3rd grade teacher I would like to know how to teach and how these kids are gonna learn with Ed Tech. After reading the article I learned that Ed tech is easy to learn from and it is easier to communicate with, and you can learn along with your students. The resource I choose gives a good breakdown on how ed tech can teach and show kids new things, and also it breaks down why it is a good resource to use when you are a teacher.

This image shows that a teacher can communicate to a student through lessons