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Navigation And Ai

Using Ai is a new way of life. Ai is a good way to get from place to place, you can use an Ai navigation system. Back then there were no navigation systems and no one to assist. Todays navigation systems are all through smartphones or smart cars. I like how much Ai had improved over time due to how much It can help people. Going from using maps of iPhone maps to Ai is a big jump. Ai is definitely more helpful to navigate for older people due to them using maps and non electronics to get from place to place.

I think that teaching kids young such as k-12 is a great start. Teaching them young can give them the skills they can use through the rest of their education k-12. Especially since Ai is changing day by day, they will learn all the different techniques of Ai. Learning Ai can also prepare young kids for our technology filled future. Using Ai can also help them critical think and problem solve at a young age.

I like Ai because it has helped me create ideas. Ai has enhanced my learning and grammar, vocabulary. Growing up in elementary and middle school there was no such thing as Ai. Growing up Ai became more popular and grew. Ai helped me in so many different way such as, learning, communicating and engaging in ideas.

Global Collaboration for Clean Water!

By:Raquel Pearsall

Web Tools 2108-001

(Lindsay, 2016)

There was a discussion recently held by the head of Climatology and Geophysics Agency, Dwikorita Karnawati on October 16th, 2023. The main purpose is to emphasize the importance of global collaboration while we try to address the climate change resulting in the huge water crisis.

“Dwikorita revealed that many countries worldwide face disparities in capacity and resilience in dealing with the impact to climate change, especially concerning technology. She stressed that there is a significant gap between developed countries and developing nations, as well as impoverished and island nations in addressing this issue.

Therefore, collaboration among various stakeholders is essential in addressing the consequences of climate change and extreme weather events, (WorldWaterForum, 2023)”.

We must take the water crisis into our own hands as well;

  • Turn the water off while you brush your teeth
  • Don’t buy plastic water bottles, begin using reusable
  • Shorter showers, or turn the water on low as you lather up
  • Try to only wash clothes or dishes when system is full, record how much you use

(Municipality of Yarmouth, 2023)

The Water Management District in Southwest Florida, has been providing students and teachers with the ability to pledge they won’t overuse water and try to conserve 10 gallons of water daily! https://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/residents/water-conservation

“Once a class completes the online challenge, they will receive a free conservation challenge kit that includes a class conservation poster, watershed stickers, home water use surveys, leak detection tablets, bookmarks and pencils. They will also be able to develop a plan for a conservation activity through the web page, (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2009)”.


Lindsay, J. (2016, May 16). You are a global educator. It’s time to start thinking like one. eSchool News. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from https://www.eschoolnews.com/district-management/2016/05/16/you-are-a-global-educator-its-time-to-start-acting-like-one/

Municipality of Yarmouth. (2023, August 23). Water Conservation Practices Can Have a Lasting Impact! Municipality of Yarmouth. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from https://munyarmouth.ca/index.php/community/recent-news-updates/715-water-conservation-practices-can-have-a-lasting-impact

Southwest Florida Water Management District. (2009, April). Online tool helps students pledge to conserve water. Watermatters. https://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/about/newsroom/news/online-tool-helps-students-pledge-conserve-water

WorldWaterForum. (2023, May 23). Global Collaboration in Response to the Climate-Induced Water Crisis. 10TH WORLD WATER FORUM. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from https://worldwaterforum.org/blog/news-3/global-collaboration-in-response-to-the-climate-induced-water-crisis-84

The Power of Collaboration in Education

Nowadays, collaboration has grown to be one of the most important skills in the connected world-and surely enough, nowhere more so than in education. Rising technology and globalization of knowledge make educators and students alike conscious of the fact that people work together increasingly to achieve a common purpose. But what does collaboration in education really look like, and why is it so critical to fostering student success?

Collaboration and cooperation between colleagues or friends. Problem solving concept. Business strategy and success concept. Community. Association. Agreements. Racial equality. Teamwork concept. Agreement or pact. Community of people who cooperate together. Multi-ethnic community concept. Diversity of people. Communication and cooperation between multicultural and multiracial people. Social network concept. Sharing

What is Collaboration in Education?

Encapsulated in basic, simple terms, collaboration in education just simply means people working together to achieve mutual educational goals. The forms it can take are many: from students working in groups on projects to educators across the globe sharing resources and ideas to enhance ways of teaching. Whether it be activities taking place in a classroom, PLNs, or indigenous education internationally, collaboration allows people the opportunity to learn from one another and gain diverse perspectives that enhance learning.

Why is collaboration so important?

Collaboration reinforces such crucial skills as communication, problem-solving, and openness to change. Students who take part in collaborative learning in a classroom tend to have more potential for deep learning due to the various interpretations and the necessity to explicate explicitly their idea to others. Further, teamwork in learners allows them to develop social-emotional competencies such as empathy and cooperation that are as important for 21st-century employees as academic knowledge.

With collaboration, a teacher has a support network where educators share best practices, creative approaches to teaching, and other resources that help create more stimulating and effective learning environments. This is often how professional collaboration takes place within PLNs, as teachers hailing from different schools or countries can connect with one another by sharing their experiences.

Global Collaboration: Boundaries of Education Extended

The digital age has provided a unique opportunity for collaboration around the world, from shared online work to video conferencing with a host of collaboration packages. Students and teachers could connect with others in their home country and around the world. Such international collaborations not only help students learn about other cultures and other points of view, but stimulate a sense of global citizenship.

For example, programs like ePals and Global Classroom Projects involve students working together on common projects originating in classrooms across the globe. In fact, many of these projects focus on the solving of real-world problems – an approach that gives students a tangible sense of the impact their learning can have on the world.

Teamwork and Technology: A Perfect match

Technology enables collaboration in education. Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, and Zoom have made it a lot easier for students to collaborate with teachers remotely because time and space have become irrelevant. Interaction in real time, resources can be shared, and collaborations on projects can be made from any place or time in the world.

Moreover, it enables teachers to extend the classroom and make it more collaborative on these platforms. For instance, a tool like Padlet or Wakelet will let students share boards on which they can post resources, ideas, and feedback in real time. These spaces allow a notion of active participation whereby every student’s voice is heard in the collaboration process.

Collaboration in Education: The Future of Looking to the future, collaboration will continue to play an essential role in the face of education. It will be important that students are prepared through education to navigate an increasingly complicated world when classrooms continue diversifying and learning environments become more flexible. By embracing collaborative ways of learning and utilizing technology to connect others, richer and more dynamic learning experiences will be created by students and educators alike.

In short, collaboration is not about working together but learning from each other, sharing experiences, and building up relationships beyond the various geographical and cultural confines of the world. Indeed, if collaboration in education keeps up with the pace, the possibility for growth and innovation is simply endless.


1. Smith, J., 2022. Cross-Border Collaboration in Education: How Digital Platforms are Changing Learning. Education

2.  Johnson, L. (2021). The Power of Collaborative Learning in the 21st Century Classroom. Teaching and Learning Journal.

Global Collaboration

Kaytlin Czeslaw

Global collaboration in education has modified how students and educators interact and learn from each other from all different parts of the world. Because of newly developed technologies, geographical limitations can’t stop the exchange of knowledge from others. There is a global collaborative article I read that talks about how Niagara College’s Institute teamed up with local partners in Tanzania through the Empowering Through Skills Program. Within this program they worked on impactful activities, sharing their expertise in things such as culinary, gender equality/human rights, and marketing. To me, this is a very impactful and useful way to take advantage of global collaboration.

One of the biggest parts of global collaboration is being exposed to different cultures and perspectives. With this kind of experience, it allows the people involved in these collaborations to gain a more in-depth understanding of different parts of the world. Being able to communicate with so many people from different parts of the world is truly a great experience and there are so many tools we can use to make that happen. Tools such as Skype, Zoom, and many other collaborative tools provide a platform for cultural exchange. With global collaboration, we are able to encourage other by working on international projects. These projects can consist of human rights, poverty, and climate change. With so many different platforms, students are able to collaboratively work on these projects globally.

In conclusion, there is a litany of benefits from global collaboration. Developed and advanced educational technology helps break the barrier and allows more opportunities for global collaboration. Global collaboration creates a more inclusive way to help students learn about perspectives and skills they need for the future. We should be thankful we are able to have these experiences that will help prepare us for a globalized workforce. Just like in the article I mentioned, the project they worked on allowed students to develop skills that they could use after graduating. This proves to me that these global projects can be life changing and its important that we understand and take advantage of these opportunities.

Global Collaboration In Education

In today’s era of technology and advancements collaboration in the field of education has become very popular and very important. It allows for schools, teachers, and students to work to together and communicate to enhance the learning experience. Schools can plan joint events, teachers can share ideas and strategies or even plan joint classes. Schools all over can even work towards global goals like climate change with joint initiatives. And this can greatly benefit students by giving them the tools and knowledge to take on real world problems.

This type of collaboration can be costly as well as time consuming. And based on location educators and schools may function very differently, but with the right amount of communication and planning these barriers can be overcome over time. Teachers can share what they do differently, what works and what doesn’t. Money can be raised over time, and it will benefit the students in the end. Overall Global collaboration greatly influences the students giving them more understanding and preparation for the real world. It’s very important that current and future educators take advantage of social media and other online tools to collaborate and inspire each other for our future students.

Global Collaboration in Education

Reese Evert 

What is Global Collaboration?

In the 20th century global collaboration is a necessity in education. Being the generation that has the gift of advanced technology at the tip of our fingers is something we must not take for granted.  Educators all over the world have the opportunity to encourage and provide their students with the chance to interact with other students from across the globe. Giving them a fresh outlook on life and how other people view things. I think that being able to see and appreciate the way other people think is a very important skill to have in life. Instilling this skill in students at a young age could have a huge benefit on our society.


How We Can Achieve Global Collaboration?

With access to social media platforms such as X, Instagram, Facebook, etc. the ability to collaborate with people from all over the world is as easy as the click of a button. As many of you already know, teachers all over the world are taking advantage of this and sharing their teaching styles, projects, ideas, and thoughts to each other from thousands of miles away via social media. Giving teachers a breath of fresh air and getting away from the typical, old-school teaching ways. But social media is doing more than creating new teaching styles. It is spreading awareness to something like the #GlobalGoalsProject. Tackling the biggest problems we have in society such as poverty and world hunger and having students and teachers from all over the world choose a goal and share ideas on how to solve these problems. Students form groups not only in their small classroom but with others from different countries. Giving them the ability to bounce ideas off each other and come up with small or big projects to chip away at a final goal. Goals like ending world hunger are huge tasks and can’t be accomplished without the use of global collaboration.

Collaboration In The Workplace

When it comes to the work environment for most jobs it is important to have collaborative partners to help make the job a little easier. After reading through the article “What Is Collaboration In The Workplace? Benefits and Strategies” by lumapps.com, I was able to understand more the importance of working as a team with your peers. They describe 5 different benefits and strategies that were really intriguing as to how beneficial a collaborative working environment is.


  1. It allows the team to pull its resources
  2. Collaborative working practices increases efficency
  3. It gives people the chance to learn from each other
  4. Encourages workers to see the bigger picture of the company
  5. It promotes employee retention

I believe that with a healthier and collaborative workplace I would feel like I can be more efficient and do my best work. Businesses that set their goals to be worked on as a group have a far more chance of having the best and efficient final product.

This image shows a group of coworkers collaborating

Global Collaboration

Collaboration plays a huge role from early eduction all the way through higher education. This aspect of the classroom enhances, outcomes of projects, forces creativity amongst one another, and improves the over all material of any given project. When collaboration is brought into the classroom, later on in life, students can integrate this skill into their everyday life, and their work place.

Collaboration allows

  1. A range of perspective
  2. Improves efficency
  3. Roles of responsibility
  4. Improve problem solving skills
  5. Creates relationships with people you would not typically learn towards

These 5 outcomes of collaboration, are all skills one can use later on in life!

Collaboration and its Importance (Skye Cook)

Teamwork, whether it is inside school or at work, is essential to creating a positive and well-rounded piece of work. Students should be able to work with one another without any disagreements on the type of work or ownership over files. Collaboration brings new ideas and ways to touch on new topics without putting too much work on one person. It creates an environment where everyone’s ideals can be shared and utilized to create a final product that is beneficial for all involved. When working towards a common goal, it makes the most sense to have all hands on deck and work to achieve a better final product.

Figure 1: The Different Kinds of Working Together (Ghias 2019)

global collaboration in education

In my opinion I think that global collaboration in education is a good idea because, this is a good way for teachers to communicate to each other and give each other ideas like lesson plans or different ways to teach. It is basically a way for teachers to learn like students. You can also learn different things from all around the world, from different backgrounds and different people.

I choose this image because it gives a good example on how teachers can connect to each other over global Collaboration.