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Why Collaboration is so Important

It is so important for our students to master the art of positive and effective collaboration. They need to learn how to communicate with others to formulate new ideas in order to enhance their own education. 

Collaboration is when students, peers, teachers, schools etc. are able to share their ideas and perspectives to work together and formulate a new idea that requires the participation of everyone. Collaboration can be localized to just the classroom or it can go beyond as far as globally. 

Key aspects:

  1. Communication
  2. Understanding
  3. Cultural awareness 

Most schools offer world languages. This is a way for students to learn new languages as well as new cultures and traditions from around the world. Learning languages such as spanish, french, and German can allow you to connect on a deep level with you peers and have a better understanding which will lead to more effective learning. 

Watch this interesting video to learn about global collabortation’s positive effects on our students!

Transform Learning Through Technology

By: Reese Zapata (Twitter: @Reesezapata)

As technology evolves so do our classrooms. Digital learning is emerging and shifting what we know as traditional education. With the uprising of technology in our classrooms the role of a coach has become more popular. A coach is there to provide ease with the process of changing over to technology as it may cause fear for the teachers. Their role is to create concrete and connected learning within the educators. 

There are three ways to indicate how to be a concrete learner 

  1. Call to action- acknowledge the skills and knowledge you have while also understanding what areas you need to grow.
  2. Path to learning- communicate with your peers to learn from and grow with through sharing ideas and knowledge
  3. Distribute knowledge-established shared goals and enhance learning. (Page 5)

“We don’t need to have the answers to everything, but we need to be connected to those that do.” (page 4)

  • These standards provide how to develop a system that embraces leadership, trust, and empowerment. (Page 18&19)
  • “These standards leverage positive teaching and learning practices with technology to promote the development of student attributes to ensure learning, with the goal of cultivating these skills onward throughout a student’s academic career and beyond (Page 19).”
  • This 4 part goal cycle is crucial in determining if the technology is working or not
  • These goals are stemmed from the individual goal of the educator and the priorities of the school
  • The learning phase is based on student work, peer observation, model teaching, etc. (Page 22)

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