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Have you Seen Inside the Amazon!?

By: Raquel Pearsall

Youtube has many 360 videos, that take users inside areas they haven’t been, thought of, or learned about yet. You can watch videos of the Amazon rain forest to learn how beautiful it is, and why it’s important to everyone. Or you may even like the tomb explorers who go into a more historical stream via VR. VR has unlimited potentials, amazing graphics, and its an innovated way to teach in the future!

We can see a cute sloth climbing down a tree, while feeling like we’re actually there! If the user has a VR they can literally turn their neck or look up anytime they want for a almost life like true feeling.

This is a great way to give your students an insight to different cultures and areas we must focus on that need help. The Amazon for example, we must promote protection for the trees and animals even if we don’t live there!

My 7 Favorite Accessibility Tools

By: Raquel Pearsall

Why Check out These Tools?:

  • Great and easy tools if one has a speech impediment or language barrier/ mental block
  • More interactive way of learning and connecting with students/teachers
  • Gain more knowledge and better understanding of new online programs

Made with Microsoft copilot, 2024

Firstly I’d love to talk about Microsoft Copilot!

Copilots great for students or anyone looking to visualize their own ideas/plans, and one can create quick and endless possibilities!


Microsoft Reading Coach!

Great for students/adults who aren’t confident in their voice, pronunciations, or overall public speaking. https://coach.microsoft.comreadingcoack

Microsoft Translator:

Wonderful for parents or students who ave a language barrier, they can still connect virtually with live translations! Can translate parent meetings, students homework, and even virtual.



JAWS is an amazing screen reading website that can verbalize almost anything digital for those with vision loss! https://www.freedomscientific.com/products/software/jaws/


ZoomText is another great screen reading provider! Ones who can’t see well or have troubles looking at the computer screens can use this website to have their chosen things read aloud! https://www.freedomscientific.com/products/software/zoomtext/


Glean is a great website for anyone who can’t focus or organize things efficiently. Anyone looking to organize their work, files, or personal things will have ease with the help of Glean!


Dragon Naturally Speaking:

Last but not nearly least, Dragon Naturally Speaking Software! This software allows anyone to control their computer by voice alone! Yes it seems a little pricy, but for the quality of education it can withhold its surly worth it! Great for anyone with a mental block, poor organization, loss of focus, or overall learning disabilities. https://shop.nuance.com/store/nuanceus/Custom/pbpage.resp-dragon-landing

My Favorite Hyperdoc so Far!

By: Raquel Pearsall

At the end of October we had a fun Hyperdoc that encouraged us to make a game-based study card set. Quizlet is a great website to share study sets with students, where they can create different games to help them learn. And they also have a testing feature students can practice with or the teacher can use them to actually track progress.

Quizlet gives one many options to study, test ,or even create their own flashcards.


Were all familiar with this Hyperdoc but now you should reflect and let me know which one was your favorite so far!




My Virtual Field Trip!

By: Raquel Pearsall

This week I was excited to find out we were looking into Virtual Trips, and I decided what better to start with than the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History!

Smithsonian logo – https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/vt3/NMNH/?startscene=67&startactions=lookat(110,10,41,0,0);

This museum is #1 in Washington, D.C.! Not only is it free to the public, but it’s huge and you’ll find something new every time you go! Virtually you can access permanent, current, or past exhibits with just a touch of a button. Within these exhibits you can learn more about Extinction, Evolution, Fossils, ‘African voices’, types of Oceanic life, and human/animal origins.

  • Great virtual map that Smithsonian provides, even can change the level your on to see ground level or second floor exhibits.


Come stop by to learn something new, feel like you actually took a trip without moving a muscle, or to gain knowledge on our past in general!

One new thing I learned by stopping by, this Master Carpenter would create masterpieces that were real coffins, used in rituals or for very special people. This one to the left is a plane one you can view if you clock the link below then go to “African voice 7”.


Free Live Translation

By: Raquel Pearsall

Hey class! After looking into the Wakelet, I found many free tools promoted by Microsoft! The one I really liked stated it had free live translations and even captioning! If you look below at Microsoft Translator for Education, it “provides free resources, tools, and how-to guides for live captioning and translation in the classroom, (Microsoft 2024)”.  

Img from: Wakele.com

Teachers Can Learn To:

  • Translate lectures and Presentations
  • Learn a more formal Parent Teacher conference format with translations
  • Better study group outlooks
  • Translation class apps
  • A better way for students with a language barrier to connect

References: https://wakelet.com/wake/6c53e8c8-1ee8-4668-8be9-42fdd3c47c30


What’s your Degree of Success?

By: Raquel Pearsall

This Global Education Checklist will keep your students up to date on everything, and keep you on track for future lesson plans!


Things it covers:

  • Global Connections -Knowledge, skills, participation
  • Culture -Skills, Knowledge
  • Global Issues– Knowledge, Skills, participation

This tool even helps one find oppritunities to study abroad, great selections of textbooks, and faculty help!

Come check it out at; https://globalocityeducation.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/6/6/57667575/global_education_checklist.pdf

Global Collaboration for Clean Water!

By:Raquel Pearsall

Web Tools 2108-001

(Lindsay, 2016)

There was a discussion recently held by the head of Climatology and Geophysics Agency, Dwikorita Karnawati on October 16th, 2023. The main purpose is to emphasize the importance of global collaboration while we try to address the climate change resulting in the huge water crisis.

“Dwikorita revealed that many countries worldwide face disparities in capacity and resilience in dealing with the impact to climate change, especially concerning technology. She stressed that there is a significant gap between developed countries and developing nations, as well as impoverished and island nations in addressing this issue.

Therefore, collaboration among various stakeholders is essential in addressing the consequences of climate change and extreme weather events, (WorldWaterForum, 2023)”.

We must take the water crisis into our own hands as well;

  • Turn the water off while you brush your teeth
  • Don’t buy plastic water bottles, begin using reusable
  • Shorter showers, or turn the water on low as you lather up
  • Try to only wash clothes or dishes when system is full, record how much you use

(Municipality of Yarmouth, 2023)

The Water Management District in Southwest Florida, has been providing students and teachers with the ability to pledge they won’t overuse water and try to conserve 10 gallons of water daily! https://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/residents/water-conservation

“Once a class completes the online challenge, they will receive a free conservation challenge kit that includes a class conservation poster, watershed stickers, home water use surveys, leak detection tablets, bookmarks and pencils. They will also be able to develop a plan for a conservation activity through the web page, (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2009)”.


Lindsay, J. (2016, May 16). You are a global educator. It’s time to start thinking like one. eSchool News. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from https://www.eschoolnews.com/district-management/2016/05/16/you-are-a-global-educator-its-time-to-start-acting-like-one/

Municipality of Yarmouth. (2023, August 23). Water Conservation Practices Can Have a Lasting Impact! Municipality of Yarmouth. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from https://munyarmouth.ca/index.php/community/recent-news-updates/715-water-conservation-practices-can-have-a-lasting-impact

Southwest Florida Water Management District. (2009, April). Online tool helps students pledge to conserve water. Watermatters. https://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/about/newsroom/news/online-tool-helps-students-pledge-conserve-water

WorldWaterForum. (2023, May 23). Global Collaboration in Response to the Climate-Induced Water Crisis. 10TH WORLD WATER FORUM. Retrieved September 25, 2024, from https://worldwaterforum.org/blog/news-3/global-collaboration-in-response-to-the-climate-induced-water-crisis-84

Is your digital footprint holding you back?

By : Raquel Pearsall

September 21st, 2024

<< Visualization of our digital footprint, (<epam>,2024).

In my future profession as a criminologist, I’d haveto study and evaluate others’ digital footprint topossibly find them, their connections, or evenpossible future intentions.

Types of Digital footprints:

● Browsing history

● Emails, texts,video chats

● Online purchases

● Social media activity

Social Platforms, (Tzu, 2014).

“Despite the emphasis on positive digital footprints as students go forward to college and job applications, in-the-moment actions can often lead to regrets (Crompton, 2020, pg16,ph2)”. At any age you must be aware of what you post or talk aboutpublicly online. What you might agree on today, you might notnext week. Always try to be respectful to your peers andconscious in your posts.

If you’d like, watch LPUB Academic center’s take on digital footprints below!