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Global Collaboration

Explore Virtual Reality

Global Collaboration on virtual reality will expand learning in a substantial way. To collaborate with classes in other parts of the world. To go on field trips without every leaving the building is not only amazing, but also beneficial, and inexpensive.


Tools that will help students

Accessibility Tools

Accessibility Tools https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility?rtc=1Accessibility%20Tools






Virtual Field Trip

Trip to the U.S. Supreme Courthttps://www.supremecourt.uk/visiting/360-degree-virtual-tour.html

The virtual field trip was exciting, the rooms were absolutely immaculate. The awesome creativity, from the paintings on the walls to the stained glass. I especially liked the exclusive hire. When the court is not sitting, they have this spacious elegant room for private dinners, conferences, and meetings. During the virtual tour, I saw the summary case, with the facts, the judgment, and the appeal. I could see the facilities, the exhibition. The virtual tour was a good experience.

I’m New Here

Coming to a strange place, leaving your family. Leaving what’s familiar, and having to put your culture aside. Learning to adapt, and fear the unknown, can be stressful. This can be challenging for the teacher. It is no longer just academics that is taught. Students will learn to become selfless and be a teacher’s helper. This is a perfect learning tool. When a student gets promoted and goes to a classroom where everyone is a different learner, and their friends are in another class. The classroom is filled with students from different cultures, it’s time for all hands on deck to create a safe learning environment. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/158089612X


Etech Book of Interest

Inclusive learning 365-Edtech Strategies for Every Day of the Year and other toolshttps://www.imperial.ac.uk/staff/educational-development/teaching-toolkit/inclusive-learning-and-teaching/what-is-inclusive-learning-and-teaching-and-why-is-it-important/

I’m a ParaProfessional. To work in an inclusive classroom is very rewarding. To help teach students with different learning styles has its challenges, but every day I feel like I’ve accomplished something. Witnessing their compassion, empathy, and willingness to help each other swells my heart. I watch the students glow, and grow. Their self-esteem is built up, and their faces shine bright like the sun.


Inclusive learning 365 Edtech Strategies for every dayhttps://www.bing.com/search?q=inclusive+learning+and+teaching&pc=GD01&form=GDAVST&ptag=4501 of the year and other tools


Hunger impacts student learning, when a student comes to school after eating a nutritious meal he/she are ready to focus and learn.

Collaboration in Schools

Collaboration is when people come together in their own unique way, using different teaching styles to accomplish small & major objectives. It is important to understand how to collaborate with others in multiple social environments.

If collaboration is not the goal, here is a list of things that can break down:

  • It devalues students education
  • Educational goals are not reached
  • Causes poor classroom environment
  • Communication breakdown
  • Models dysfunction rather than harmony
  • Lack of collaboration can anxiety socially, in the work place and within self.

Using AI in Classroom Settings

AI tools can generate everything from essays to artwork to music. In order to be able to use it as a learning tool, we need to have students assess AI’s performance. We know what AI can do, but we need to ask, can AI do it well?

By allowing students the opportunity to assess the products that AI generates, we can prompt their learning and their development of critical thinking skills. In a previous piece, I shared how technology fosters engagement when it prompts students to construct, collaborate, create—what I call the 3Cs. AI can be used to allow students to construct knowledge, collaborate with their peers, and create something new in any content area. If we can design AI tasks that foster the 3Cs, we can use it as a tool for learning and thinking.


Mathematical thinking fosters students’ problem-solving skills, and AI can be used to engage students in that process. Teachers can give students a math problem that students input into an AI tool like Photomath

Once the AI creates an answer, students can collaborate in groups to construct their own answer by using the mathematical problem-solving approach they’ve been taught. With the two answers in hand, AI’s and their own, students can create a response to the question, “Which solution is more correct?” This allows students to test solutions to complex problems against criteria that the classroom teacher has provided through a rubric or by testing it against the process that the teacher has taught. This leads students to  form a conclusion, which is another important facet of critical thinking.
