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Global Collaboration In Education

In today’s era of technology and advancements collaboration in the field of education has become very popular and very important. It allows for schools, teachers, and students to work to together and communicate to enhance the learning experience. Schools can plan joint events, teachers can share ideas and strategies or even plan joint classes. Schools all over can even work towards global goals like climate change with joint initiatives. And this can greatly benefit students by giving them the tools and knowledge to take on real world problems.

This type of collaboration can be costly as well as time consuming. And based on location educators and schools may function very differently, but with the right amount of communication and planning these barriers can be overcome over time. Teachers can share what they do differently, what works and what doesn’t. Money can be raised over time, and it will benefit the students in the end. Overall Global collaboration greatly influences the students giving them more understanding and preparation for the real world. It’s very important that current and future educators take advantage of social media and other online tools to collaborate and inspire each other for our future students.

Inclusive Learning

In the Edtech book “Inclusive Learning 365: Edtech Strategies For Every Day Of The Year” there are multiple strategies used to implement inclusivity in the classroom for all times of the year. Some of the strategies and suggestions caught my eye right away. The whole idea of inclusivity is often overlooked or not thought about in depth. The way we teach as well as the physical setting of the classroom can be changed to be inclusive and more accessible for all students. Changing the lighting or adding different heighted seating options as well as having a more open space for those who can’t be in confined spaces are a few different ways to do so. Audible and visible aids in lessons are also important. All in all reading the different strategies for inclusion was very informative and interesting. It helped to deepen my understanding of inclusive