Virtual and Augmented Reality
the Use of VR could be a very useful thing when it comes to teaching kids. From my perspective as a student it was best to learn when there where different websites and fun activities to do. Now with all the technology on the rise VR could be a very use full thing in the classroom. VR is very cool because it allows students to go to places in VR that they have never been. VR is very cool and how you can go anywhere you want and feel like you are in it. Like for an example in a history class you are learning about the great pyramid. Although students may never get to go there, they can use VR to see what it is like to be near the pyramids. these student will get to experience a different type of learning thought VR which could be very good in the future with how technology is advancing.

blog post 8 changemaker
As I was going through the We Virtual learning center there where a few things that stuck out to me specifically. This is a very good page for teachers to come to for help. I navigated to the “lesson Packages & Supporting resource’s” tab. this is a really good way for teachers to get some help information and lesson plans for all grades, skills, and themes. this could be a very useful too for teachers. they can see different lessons plans that they can use or can just use things from those lessons plans to help. I definitely can see this being useful in my future teaching career. Being able to see all these different lessons plans for all different topics and ages is so useful. It is being regularly updated with new and better information. I don’t see how teachers wouldn’t use this as a reference if they knew about it. This website should be shared to more teachers for help and reference.

educational technology
as i was reading through some of the articles one specific article that stook out to me was the “transform learning through technology. Technology is where everything is at today. technology is there to aid people when it comes to learning. Spell check and a calculator are supposed to be used only to assist you through your work to make this quick and easier. There also is a problem where students will rely on this too much. Not getting the information to learn they are just learning how to get through it. one thing that is important that could help a lesson is the learning designer (Page 13). this is for teachers to work with other teachers to be able to put the best of there abilities that could help them improve there students learning process. Also being able to connect with other teachers will help these other teachers become more technological advanced. The world revolves around technology and it is very important to use it to the best of there abilities.