Powerpoint & Presenter coach
Communication through powerpoint
Powerpoints can be used for so many different things, teachers can use powerpoints to create lessons or discussions, students can use powerpoints to create projects, plans, or organize work, and business can use powerpoints to promote products and so much more. Powerpoints can be something that we use to put information somehwere and display it for our students and classmates or be completely interactive. You can customize powerpoints to fit any type of audience, the benefit of a powerpoint is that it is fully created by you with images, words, and links of your choice and it is fully your choice on how you want to communicate with who your presenting to.
Presenter coach and what is is used for
Presenter coach was a tool that was created in order to make powerpoints more successful. Even though powerpoints are easy to create and full of information on their own, once they are presented the information doesn’t get explained the best it could. Presenting powerpoints can become tricky. Presenter coach makes it easier for the speaker to present and makes the powerpoint more enjoyable. This tool monitors your pace of speaking, your tone, your speech, the words you use, and the overall format of your powerpoint. It gives feedback when your slides are to wordy, don’t have enough information, or doesn’t sound correct. With this tool powerpoints become a great form of communication.

Global Kids :)
This tool is a card deck, containaing 50+ cards for students. This deck is full of different hands on activities and there are 5 different categories that teach children about crafts, food, games, festivals, and helping others.
Why I chose the tool:
I chose this tool because the age group immediately caught my eye because these are the kids that I hope to teach one day and I wanted some insight to see what I could use in my future classroom. This tool raises global awarness in the classroom and keeps students properly educated on the topic while being interactive with their assignments. I liked this tool because the main focus was to have these different activities made in order to encourage students to help others around the world.
What is useful about this tool?:
This tool is useful in the classroom because it keeps kids consistently engaged because they are having fun while learning and it is super easy to use. Each card gives background information to the student about the specific activity and the cards come with information on each step of the activity in order to complete it successfully. This tool is a great source in the classroom because it helps students learn independently or in groups but they don’t need that constant extra help because the cards give them everything they need.
How I would use it in the classroom:
If I had this tool in my classroom I would make sure my students will be able to:
- Create fun crafts and activities that they are able to enjoy doing and feel connected with and reflect on how their crafts can benefit others
- I would have the kids play different games in classroom, such as activites done in other countries or dance moves or music from other countries
- I would have the kids have food parties where we can bring food in and eat food served in other coutnries or food similar to it
- I would have parties that celebrate certain traditions from other countries

Collaboration In Education
When your student collaborate in education this means that they are working together and learning new tasks in the classroom, but they are in small enough groups where it ensures that everyone particiaptes but it’s not to many people talking where there is an overwhelming amount of information.
- Improves students problem solving skills with the help from others
- Promotes new friendships and interactions throughtout the classroom
- Improves students confidence
- Sparks creativity hearing ideas other than your own
- Helps communciation skills
- Students learn from each other
- Improves emotional intelligence
- Overall respect for your peers around you

AI in Elementary
AI tools in the classroom can be a questionable thing. Especially when we want kids K-5 specifically to start using these types of new tools in the classroom. Why is it important to start showing kids this new technology? Having hands on AI projects in the classroom in order to further students knowledge on the positive impact AI has on our society. What is the outcome?
AI in your courses
Learning with AI can create a very positive classroom environmen. Students are now offered a form of personalized learning, finding their strengths, weaknesses, skills, and needs. AI systems help students learn more effectively and students can become powerful users of these tools.
Making the projects happen
“The projects in this guide use a student-driven approach to learning. Instead of simply learning about AI throughvideos or lectures, the students completing these projects are active participants in their AI exploration.” (p.7) Students are able to directy work with AI technology and learn how to properly use them in order to know how they can be used in daily life without having to think about how they work. AI technology, can truly turn a classroom around. There is easy access for students, lessons generated online, information that is visualized for the children, never ending assistance, and so many more benefits. Learning about AI and using it in the classroom is something that needs to be implemented in schools.

This image shows students teaming up with AI