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WE Virtual Learning Center

WE Virtual Learning Center is supplying educators with countless of tools and resources to enhance their teaching and engage their students effectively. A part of the job as being an educator is to be constantly learning too! WE Virtual Learning Center makes continuous learning easy.


As a future teacher myself, right off the bat I saw just how valuable WE Virtual Learning Center is. One tool that caught my eye was the pre-made lesson plans. The one plan I chose is Learning About Community.

WE Virtual Learning Center has set out a step by step lesson plan for us. That means no work involved in creating a lesson plan!!

It includes the topics and activities in the order it is supposed to be taught.

A ‘Would you rather’ activity for students to answer and get to know each other further.

A discussion for students to talk about the concept of community and how it applies to the classroom.

The lesson includes one-on-one activities, class activities, and individual activities.

And finally, a reflection to end the lesson. Their reflections will show whether or not the lesson plan worked and how connected they feel towards everyone in the class.

I personally believe this is a great activity for the first day or sometime in the first week of school. I remember doing something similar to this in my eighth grade english class.

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