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Global Collaboration is the Future of Education

February 5, 2024

The concept of Global collaboration in the classroom is a productive and useful tool that should be implemented into every school’s curriculum. Global collaboration is represented through technology and the many different applications and tools offered throughout the world which help classrooms across the globe connect. These connections guide the teachers and students to expand their knowledge and create new and useful ideas.

There are many different types of global collaborations available to both teachers and students that will ensure a positive connection. A face-to-face meeting used through Zoom, Google Meet, and Flipgrid will allow the user to share ideas adding a friendly face to the presentations. Kahoot and Quizizz are game applications that can also add not only fun into the classroom but knowledge. When understanding social media, Twitter can be extremely beneficial because you are able to follow people and organizations that pertain to your topic and learn and add to their blogs.


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