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My Virtual Field Trip!

By: Raquel Pearsall

This week I was excited to find out we were looking into Virtual Trips, and I decided what better to start with than the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History!

Smithsonian logo – https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/vt3/NMNH/?startscene=67&startactions=lookat(110,10,41,0,0);

This museum is #1 in Washington, D.C.! Not only is it free to the public, but it’s huge and you’ll find something new every time you go! Virtually you can access permanent, current, or past exhibits with just a touch of a button. Within these exhibits you can learn more about Extinction, Evolution, Fossils, ‘African voices’, types of Oceanic life, and human/animal origins.

  • Great virtual map that Smithsonian provides, even can change the level your on to see ground level or second floor exhibits.


Come stop by to learn something new, feel like you actually took a trip without moving a muscle, or to gain knowledge on our past in general!

One new thing I learned by stopping by, this Master Carpenter would create masterpieces that were real coffins, used in rituals or for very special people. This one to the left is a plane one you can view if you clock the link below then go to “African voice 7”.


1 Comment

  1. What a fascinating virtual tour, Raquel! It’s amazing how immersive and informative the Smithsonian’s virtual experience is—thanks for sharing this unique look into the museum’s exhibits!

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