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Virtual Field Trip: The Mayan City of Chichén Itzá

Author: Chase E. Iaconelli

Date: 07/01/2024

As you gaze upon the limestone ruins of a once flagrant and formidable empire, the formations and pyramids of Chichén Itzá hold an energy that fuels interest and speculation. From the expression of detail and cultural artifacts carved into the buildings to the prowess and incredible presence of the pyramids, the virtual experience, if truly appreciated, gives us tremendous insight into their civilization. Virtual field trips are one of the many innovative platforms teachers use to strengthen their students’ interests and educational grasp. Not only does it provide an all-encompassing environmental experience, but it also includes historical guides and resources that entrenche the viewer into a truly unique experience. Due to the preponderance of technology in the classroom, today’s students have access to an unprecedented degree of information that is multi-dimensional in its application. Teachers who harness these applications are doing so with the understanding that it widens their technological literacy and enables their educational autonomy. Classmates can choose their virtual field trip, write and record their experiences, and then compare that to their peers, who may have decided to virtually travel to the Coliseum in Rome.

Whether it is a history teacher guiding their students through the streets of Boston during the Revolutionary War or a Chemistry teacher guiding their students through the complexity of molecular structures, Virtual Field Trips can be embarked upon by any grade or discipline. There is something quite exciting about the trajectory of its potential, too, if one considers how the advancement of artificial intelligence and virtual reality will impact the quality and immersion of these platforms. So much of education is about exploration, diving into new educational territory, exploring the cannon of the mind with new ideas and perspectives. Yet so much of our nation’s curriculum seems to be bogged down with outdated approaches and antiquated means of reaching disinterested students. For the quality of America’s education to increase, teachers and school districts must embrace alternative means of presenting the content and differentiate their methods to accommodate all students, considering their inclinations as learners.

Despite the long hours, challenging circumstances, mounting responsibility, and questionable salaries, teachers who are committed and passionate about their profession have more to be optimistic about than ever before. With each year that passes, the emergence of educational technology has made teacher jobs easier due to the innumerable options it presents them. Educators new to the classroom also benefit from being a part of a generation that genuinely understands the capabilities and applications of online avenues and can deploy such resources confidently and creatively. Virtual Field Trips like Chichén Itzá give students the ability to imagine what it would be like to walk in the footsteps of our ancient ancestors, and by doing so, it accelerates an apricate for different cultures and the rich history of the world.

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