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Maldives – Paradise Islands

Many international resorts offer their guests “primordial purity, unique nature, snow-white beaches” and so on, when on the Maldives all these are perfect in a special way. The islands lie on a territory of 815km from North to South, this being said people only live on about 200 islands, while the rest stay uninhabited. The biggest island is only 8km, the other islands can be reached by small planes or seaplanes. The unique idea of Maldivian resorts is “one island-one resort-one hotel” and each one differs with its unique atmosphere and design. But it’s not easy to leave your island whenever you wish: the special permit is often required and, moreover, you have to pay for it some amount of money. Besides, you will be obliged to return back to the hotel in order to spend there a night. Alcohol and Pork meat is forbidden in the Maldives and cannot be taken in by tourist. The islands of the Maldives are very pretty but don’t be fooled, they are a very strict Islamic country!

Read More about the Maldives from the inspired page https://www.airpano.com/360photo/maldives-08-2023-part-1/

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