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AR in the Classroom

JigSpace is an app that can be used to create and view 3D models that allow people the opportunity to explore different things such as machines, space, and more. Teachers can use this app to better immerse students into the lesson and get them more excited about learning! There is so much that can be done and seen with a resource like JigSpace, and it can help students better understand what they are being taught. While teacher’s are their as a guide, students may be mainly in charge of getting a closer look at what they are learning.

Global Collaboration

When collaborating with others about global issues, JigSpace can be a huge resource to show others what is going on and how they can help. The app can be used to share designs of issues going on between classrooms, teachers, schools, etc. This way, students can see up close what is happening and how it affects those around the area. Students can then come up with their own designs based on what they think might help the problem and how it can be fixed. For example, someone might send a classroom a design of a community with no clean water source, and the students may come up with their own design of a water filter that can help!

School Virtual Reality: News & Blog Posts

Sometimes the problems won’t be easily solved and will need more work, or is simply an issue the students cannot come up with the solution for, and that is important to keep in mind. There are many global issues that need to be worked on, and none of them are simple or have simple solutions, so it’s important for students to know that and keep it in mind. By knowing this, it teaches students that they may need to ask for help or have patience that progress may take a while to show.

Why AR and VR?

AR and VR are becoming more popular everyday, and it is important for classrooms to keep up with the latest technology that is appropriate for school. Not only does it keep students engaged and enjoying their own learning, but it teaches students how to get the most out of the technology they are most likely using on the daily anyway. There will come a time where AR and VR are used as commonly as computers, and may become just as important in education. Therefore, students should be able to learn about such technologies in their schools and have them available to them to learn.

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