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Virtual Reality- Youtube 360

YouTube 360 is a great Virtual Reality tool that helps creators use these features to upload 360-degree videos in a collaborative space. This tool gives an amazing experience for viewers watching as well as the creators themselves to be creative with the content. There are many different collections to view on this YouTube platform with many kinds of experiences to be a part of. Virtual reality gives a realistic view that makes you feel you’re inside the video or really experiencing what’s happening. Virtual reality is a way to watch content on a personal level and messes with your senses as it puts you somewhere that is not really existent. Virtual reality lets viewers be immersed in their surroundings which really arent existing. There are three types of virtual reality, non-immersive, semi-immersive, and fully-immersive. YouTube 360 can be used in education, especially with students k-12 with appropriate supervision and moderation of what the students can view. There are virtual reality 360 videos that are about wildlife and bring you to different habitats and environments to really explore what it looks like. This helps students gain an understanding visually rather than reading in a textbook. There are also movies they can watch through YouTube 360. National Geographic provides so many informational videos. I think this tool is useful and provides so much opportunity to engage.

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