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Virtual Reality in the Classroom

By: Mia Lopez

Students’ ability to collaborate globally in the classroom can be greatly improved by using virtual reality. Instead of just studying the surface, our students may learn more about many cultures and locations throughout the world by using virtual reality (VR). Students might, for instance, take virtual tours of various nations and locations worldwide. It may take students to locations like ancient Rome or the inside of a beating heart that they would never be able to see in person. Particularly in disciplines like science, geography, and history, this practical experience assists learners in understanding difficult ideas. AR & VR can have many purposes in the classroom as mentioned in the video below:

The use of virtual and augmented reality in the classroom creates countless opportunities. These technologies reinvent learning rather than merely improving it. We prepare students for a world where creativity and adaptation are essential by providing them with immersive, individualized, and interactive educational experiences.

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