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The WE Learning Center

By: Mia Lopez

To be honest, I don’t personally want to work as a teacher. However, because its primary goal is to influence education and change I believe that this organization will be highly helpful to any aspiring teachers. While exploring the website, I discovered the Virtual Learning Center, which serves as a basic overview of everything WE has to offer to educators and students.


It provides teachers and students with plenty of resources. I would personally use virtual workshops in a future classroom. You and your class or service group can work through these courses at your own speed. Each workshop lasts roughly 60 minutes and is packed with engaging exercises that help students become more aware of issues and build their leadership abilities. It also helps you create an action plan. Although workshops are created with the idea that students are present in the same space, you are welcome to adapt the activities to your classroom’s needs and the materials you have on hand.This tool may be used for any grade level and, in my opinion, would benefit both the teacher and the students in the classroom while also providing an effective lecture.

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