By: Lorraine Montero
Exploring Microsoft and its functions throughout the semester, I have become a major advocate for all of the tools and resources Microsoft provides especially accessibility tools. Here are my top 7 accessibility tools that I think are bring technology to the forefront of education.

1. Immersive Reader a tool that allows students to customize how word documents appear while you read and edit. A feature on Microsoft Word that provides options for a comfortable and easy to process experience. The tool come with features such as, allowing you to listen to the text read aloud or adjust how text appears by modifying spacing, color and more. Great for students of all ages!

2. Microsoft Reflect an effective tool for a classroom setting to support expression, connection, and learning. Students have access to emotional check-in’s as well as, focus timers a new study tool feature. Reflect has also been adding new enhancements such as a new game called Connection Wheel which allows students and teachers to connect in conversation by spinning a wheel with an array of topics. Reflect is a great way for students and teachers to connect.
3. Google Classroom a learning resource provided by Google. Teachers can utilize Google classroom to start video meetings. Create and manage classes, assignments, and grades online without paper. Students using Google classroom can track classwork and submit assignments. Share resources and interact in the class stream. Google classroom provides an option for teachers who want to work remotely.

4. Google Forms is an excellent tool for teachers especially in higher grade levels. Teachers can create forms, quizzes, and surveys; share them with people; and track responses. You can create, edit, and navigate forms with a screen reader and keyboard shortcuts.
5.Padlet designed for grades 3-12 to create and collaborate via interactive, multimedia bulletin boards. This site allows students to post videos of a certain subject where others can comment and ask questions on the video. Padlet is an extremely creative way for students to interact not just locally but globally with other schools.

6. for students K-12 to enhance and improve their typing skills. The app offers helpful performance data which tracks the progression and accuracy of students typing with timed practice lessons. This tool is great for beginners to proficient typers.
7. Fit Money Super Squad a game-based learning app geared towards financial literacy for grades 1-5. The site offers financial literacy topics in a simple, accessible way. Videos introduce topics like the difference between needs and wants. Interactive mini games give students hands-on practice and multiple-choice questions test comprehension.
All of these tools are innovative ways to further enhance accessibility in a classroom.