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My Ellis Island Virtual Field Trip Experience

The online virtual fieldtrip for Ellis Island was very fascinating. In the beginning on the website It provided a summary of the first passage and the arrival on Ellis Island. There was photos and audio and video that really immersed the audience and really transported us to that time. The summaries were very detailed and informative, giving us the idea of how people were processed and what emotions they were feeling. And you can really see it in the photographs and here it in there voices. Along the side of the screen you are presented with extra facts that you may not have been ware of that actually draw interest.

The actual virtual tour video was about 30 minutes and It was very informative and interesting and It kept your attention very well. Billie Dimichele was a fantastic tour guide and host. The footage along with Dimichele’s comentary was facsinating. National park service members were interviewed and given questions submitted by actual students. They discussed the rich history and importance of Ellis Island itself. It’s great to learn about such an important piece of American history preserved and taught about by the service members

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