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Virtual Field Trip

By Gabriella O’Neill

For my virtual field trip, I chose explore.org and focused on the under water manatee live video. This is a very interesting live video to watch because it shows their mannerisms and habits throughout the day and when they might eat or sleep. In certain parts of the livestream, there aren’t any manatees in frame but you can see the other species that inhabit the area as well. Some frames you can see species of feeder fish in large groups, larger fish, and some native birds. This is a good example of the species diversity in this certain area. Below is the link to the live stream!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rpkxcdM8rg : Virtual Field Trip

In this photo, you can see the many manatees all coexisting in this area.

It is important for this live stream to be active to observe the behaviors of the manatees and monitor their health. This live stream promotes an organization to save the manatees and their habitats from things like pollution and land development.

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