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The Vatican Museums

Using the website museivaticani.va I was able to take a virtual tour of the museums located at the Vatican in Rome, Italy. This is actually a location that I have visited through a Stockton class I took that went to Italy! Taking a tour in the real world is always very quick and crowded, the tour guides are trying to get you in and out as soon as possible because there are just so many visitors. They really don’t give you a lot of time to look. It is especially cool to look at the Sistine Chapel again because you are not allowed to take pictures inside of there. Here is a screenshot I took of what the inside of the Sistine Chapel looks like!

This resource will also be helpful in the classroom. As a history teacher, I hope to one day show my students a virtual tour as wells a pictures I took of my own at the Vatican. Christian history is an area of interest for me and I hope I will have the opportunity to teach it someday to my students.

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