Many online tools can help students better understand the material they are taught and reduce stress. Teachers and parents can use various websites to help students when they are struggling while keeping them engaged in what they are learning. This gives teachers a way for students learn in different ways when their methods of teaching them are not working as well for that student.

An example of a good online tool that teachers can use is Discovery Education. This website has lots of good learning opportunities for students, such as virtual field trips and interactive lessons. Multimedia tools like VR trips bring subjects to life and make them more easily understandable. They also help provide real-life relevance so that students can see how what they are learning can be applied in their lives.
Discovery Education also offers customizable resources, so teachers can alter the resources to fit the needs of different students. They also offer standard-aligned content which means that the information can meet the state and national standards for benchmarks. This website also tracks student progress using quizzes and simulations to make sure the learning goals are being met.

I would use this tool in my classroom for many different assignments. With the use of virtual field trips, students will understand assignments better and be able to identify instances they can use in the future. This could also make kids remember the information better because they will have something to relate it to. In my class, I would probably use this tool as a follow-up assignment or pre-learning assignment so then the students can make connections from what they learned.
Discovery Education Website Link: