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Global Collaboration in Education

Reese Evert 

What is Global Collaboration?

In the 20th century global collaboration is a necessity in education. Being the generation that has the gift of advanced technology at the tip of our fingers is something we must not take for granted.  Educators all over the world have the opportunity to encourage and provide their students with the chance to interact with other students from across the globe. Giving them a fresh outlook on life and how other people view things. I think that being able to see and appreciate the way other people think is a very important skill to have in life. Instilling this skill in students at a young age could have a huge benefit on our society.


How We Can Achieve Global Collaboration?

With access to social media platforms such as X, Instagram, Facebook, etc. the ability to collaborate with people from all over the world is as easy as the click of a button. As many of you already know, teachers all over the world are taking advantage of this and sharing their teaching styles, projects, ideas, and thoughts to each other from thousands of miles away via social media. Giving teachers a breath of fresh air and getting away from the typical, old-school teaching ways. But social media is doing more than creating new teaching styles. It is spreading awareness to something like the #GlobalGoalsProject. Tackling the biggest problems we have in society such as poverty and world hunger and having students and teachers from all over the world choose a goal and share ideas on how to solve these problems. Students form groups not only in their small classroom but with others from different countries. Giving them the ability to bounce ideas off each other and come up with small or big projects to chip away at a final goal. Goals like ending world hunger are huge tasks and can’t be accomplished without the use of global collaboration.

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