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Same, Same But Different

An Inspirational Story that shows how there are no limits to communication across the globe.

The Story Same, Same but Different, by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw, is such an excellent example of welcoming diversity and showing that communication has no limits in our world today.

Elliot from America is pen pals with Kailash in India. The two become good friends, even if they’re across the globe from each other. They talk to each other about their daily lives, how different each of them are from each other, and what each of their cultures, schools, and families are like. Its an excellent example to represent how different everyone is across the world, and is a great read for students who need to understand this concept.

I would recommend this to teachers, or would assign this to my own students one day, to help them understand how diverse the world is. Being from different places in the world doesn’t limit you to being friends with someone. And being in different cultures doesn’t prevent you from knowing someone else. This is a great reading concept for any student who hasn’t expanded much out of their culture or lifestyle, and young readers who are maybe in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade may benefit from this book greatly.

Helping students learn about others that live differently than themselves can help create an environment that accepts everyone, not only in a classroom, but in whole schools and even towns. It will help create a better future for not only students, but the communities they live in as well.

Written by Michael Reynolds


Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw. (2015). Same, same but different. Weston Woods.‌

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