Discovery is normally known for their shows about animals around the world like Shark Week or the Puppy Bowl, but did you know that they also have virtual field trips that are extremely useful to teachers and students around the world?

These “field trips” are usually 20-30 minute videos that go in depth and give very useful information about a specific topic that usually pertains to something going on in the world today. It also makes it fun for kids to watch because they will show lots of different scenes and images that pair with the topic and even have parts where they show the audience how something works and break it down for them. Keeping the topics modern and up to date is very important so students can properly learn and understand what is going on in the world today.

Overall, Discovery really hit the mark with the virtual field trips by making them filled with useful information and all while making it fun and intriguing for students around the world. It is a great idea and hopefully more channels like Discovery can use this idea and make something as helpful to teachers and students as the virtual field trips are.