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Collaborating in the classroom is essential for teachers. Every child in the classroom learns information differently, so collaborating with your peers can lead to suggestions to reach all of the different types of learners in your classroom. You can also share educational learning apps and post online suggestions from educators worldwide to get different ideas and lessons for your school or classroom. The article discussed different collaboration methods. One that stood out to me was the walkie-talkie-type app mentioned in the article. The app allows you to communicate with friends or a large group of colleagues while teaching inside your classroom. In the app, you can create different rooms or different “channels” for different subjects. Another tool mentioned in the article was Facebook Live, which is now becoming more and more commonly used. Teachers use Facebook Live to share short clips of their classroom instruction or even their classroom setup for teachers who need tips or inspiration. The last platform mentioned was the Feedly Platform, which creates live videos, blogs, and websites that you use daily, and it keeps all of the tools in one place for easy access instead of spending time searching the web to find all the different websites you need. This article opened my eyes to the different ways teachers can collaborate, which do not involve just using and benefiting from the people inside of your school but using the web to connect with other educators who might be struggling with what you might also be working with.


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