Educators and students have access to advanced technology and the internet. Educators can take advantage of these tools to encourage more interactive learning and development for students. The WE Virtual Learning Center is highly recommended for enhancing learning and global collaborations. I checked out some of its features, including their student toolkit, and their collaboration with Thrively.

The WE Virtual Learning Center created a toolkit for students to use to improve their service learning skills. It has lists of ways to do good in one’s community as well as suggestions for becoming a better global citizen. I like how this resource provides examples of volunteer work in different communities. In addition, students have the opportunity to set and achieve various goals that are connected to achieving global goals. Educators can encourage their students to create positive change in this world thanks to the student toolkit.

WE and Thrively collaborated to create a site in which students express how they feel each day. This method will help educators with tracking student progress and giving students the resources needed to succeed. I really enjoyed seeing the data bases on how students feel along with how organized they are. This reminds me of one of the courses I took this past semester called African Americans on Television. My professor would always start the beginning of class with weekly check-ins to see how the class was doing. I would recommend utilizing this resource to develop teaching skills.