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Virtual Reality in Education

Incorporating Virtual Reality into a classroom space is a cool and unique way of getting your students to learn. By allowing the child to have access to this technology, we are opening up a new door of education. VR in the classroom allows us to be fully immersed in the lesson. For example, if we are learning about animals wildlife, we can possibly join that animal’s environment and explore it by feeling like we are actually there. We can also learn math from a different perspective by having virtual reality at hand. This type of learning allows students to almost problem solve in a new perspective. It gives them the chance to investigate the situation while still learning the foundation of what the lesson is. Having Global Collaborations about different cultures and environments where other people in the world live is also a cool and unique use of having this tool inside the classroom. I think having a VR headset in a classroom would be a cool and fun addition to the classroom, and I would love to see what this form of technology would bring inside my own personal classroom when I have one.

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