With the use of the internet, teachers and educators have been able to share their resources and tools across the globe for others to use to enhance their own education. This global collaboration has provided aspiring teachers today with an endless amount of resources to help support and enhance their learning. The Website WE Virtual Learning Center is one such source of education resources and today I will share 3 interesting things I found while exploring the site.

Events And Opportunities For All Teachers
Before we jump into the educational content and resources provided throughout the page, something I found very helpful was their event calendar. This helped show what types of events are being held when throughout the school year and how you can fit your teaching schedule around it. Events such as the Say It Now Workshop, Global Classroom, and Professional Development can help you learn and explore even more ways to improve your classroom as well as network and make connections with other educators around the world.

Endless Amounts of Lessons And Resources
Throughout the website, there are hundreds of lesson plans, teaching strategies, and course resources available to view or download. These resources range from classroom management, to improving social connections between students, to subject area content. It is really amazing how much there is. One resource I found interesting was the WE Are One Campaign Guide, a lesson plan/guide for teaching the importance of accepting diversity and providing inclusion with technology. The lesson plan is very well crafted with interesting graphics and designs. One small issue that I would like to mention is that while the website has many different resources, the way it organizes them can be somewhat confusing and difficult to navigate.

Different Types of Media For Teachers and Students
As a Visual/Audio learner, I love it when a website provides knowledge and resources in multiple different ways and formats mainly through video. Luckily the We Virtual Learning Center has a large collection of videos for you to watch yourself or use in a classroom. They contain many of the same resources and information as listed before in video formats such as Workshops, virtual events, and lesson ideas.

I am happy to add this website to my collection of educational resources and I believe it can be a great help for anyone looking for lesson ideas or wanting to improve their teaching craft. While the website can be a little confusing and complicated, it is still a vast and incredible resource that I would love to make use of myself as a teacher
You can check out the website here for yourself at this link https://weschools.we.org/. If you like this blog feel free to check out my previous blogs as well.