The WE Virtual Learning Center is a web tool that is “rooted in social and emotional learning and positive youth development.” (We Virtual Learning Center, 2021) It goes on to talk about how the program supports teachers and empowers their students to be their strongest selves. The program offers modules, courses, lesson plans, worksheets, and much more.
Yearly Planner
In just a few minutes I was able to find a resource that could be useful in planning out the year by months, and then it followed by planning out each quarter of the year. This could be a great way to organize each week, each month, and the whole year as a teacher.

Gratitude Lesson Plan
Other resources that were provided was lesson plans. One of the ones that stood out to me was a lesson called, “We Have Gratitude.” This lesson is designed for the students to learn how to have gratitude and the science behind it.

Issue topic cards
Another great resource was these cards that would hopefully spark discussion in the classroom about these topics. These cards might be able to assist in teaching the students how to argue in a respectful way. These topics are very important to the world, and it’s a way to get students to think critically about these important issues.

We virtual learning center. WE Virtual Learning Center. (2021) (n.d.-b).