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My Future Classroom

After reading the conclusion of Sail the 7 C’s “Becoming Change Makers” it made me think about what kind of classroom I want to create when I am a teacher. And after doing some observing of the website for the WE Virtual Learning Center, I have discovered things I want to implement in my classroom like creating a student tool kit. A tool kit allows students to show and understand empathy, communication, collaboration, resilience and problem – solving. This tool kits allows students to find their “why” which is when you put your time and energy toward an issue you are passionate about or a problem you want to solve, you can make real change. I think that is so important for me to implement this toolkit in my future classroom. I think its also important for me to implement online calendars for students and parents to access at any time so they can understand what’s going on, what’s due and what to prepare for.

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