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The Possibilities of Hyperdocs

What are hyperdocs?

Hyperdocs are a highly engaging digital document that has various materials within the document (images, videos, links, etc.). The purpose of this is to create a better environment for students to be excited and more engaged in the content they are learning. Hyperdocs are interactive, so instead of students watching a presentation, they are clicking links and exploring the document to find questions within it. One of the best ways to create hyperdocs in education, is by using the various tools found in Google Drive.

Google Drive is one of the most useful tools for creating hyperdocs!

Where do you find hyperdocs?

Hyperdocs can be hard to find online, if you don’t know what you’re looking for! Here is a great website that has many hyperdocs for each subject. Some lead straight to a Google Doc, while others bring you to Padlet or Wakelet to discover other templates people have made.

Hyperdocs are for all ages!

While exploring the website, I found a hyperdoc centered around exploring habitats found on Earth. This hyperdoc is meant for first graders, and engages the students in exploring what a habitat is, as well as having the students reflect on what they learned. The best part of the hyperdoc is the activity at the end, in which the students are given a link to a website that allows for the students to create their own habitat. If you are able to, I highly recommend checking out this hyperdoc!

A great display of what students could learn about habitats.

Why are hyperdocs important?

Hyperdocs allow for students to take more control over their learning, and lets the child become more engaged with the activity. With an increase in engagement, students become more excited about what they are learning. Hyperdocs allow for shy students to be active in class, and freely think without worrying about the input of others! Teaching and creating lesson plans using hyperdocs focuses on the students truly learning, rather than them just memorizing information! Hyperdocs are a great resource for both educators, and students!


Website containing hyperdocs: https://www.hyperdocs.co/blog/posts/samples-of-hyperdocs-for-every-subject

Referenced hyperdoc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/139sN5j0CYne4FJDA4VENWB6Kcdg4lJgb1HS532EBEGo/edit

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