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7 Amazing Accesiblity Tools

I have been doing a lot of research about accessibility tools and I have come across some amazing ones. As a future teacher it is so important for me to be aware of this tools and how I can incorporate them into my future classroom. I first want to talk about google translate, this tool is very familiar to me because I used this tool so much in high school. I took German as my language class and my teacher only talked to use and assigned work in German. Since my teacher never used English, google translate was my best friend and helped me to thoroughly understand my teacher, grasp what he was saying and do what was being asked of me. The next tool is Kurzweil, which provides built-in features for reading, writing and study skills for those students struggling with literacy. This program is designed to help students become independent learners, active participants with their education, and assist students to achieve full academic potential. I myself remember struggling with reading and studying skills and if I had something like Kurzweil it probably would of benefited me greatly. I can also implement this in my future classroom to help struggling students. The next tool is Zoom Text, which is a screen magnifier for Microsoft Windows tailored for low vision users. I can use this tool to help my students who struggle with their vision get a better grasp on what they are reading because they can see and understand it better. I can also use Thunder T3 in my classroom, which is a earmuffs feature Air Flow Control technology that reduce noise in the room. I can use this feature to help my students who have trouble focusing because of background sound and with the help of these headphones, these students that are struggling will be able to better their focus. The next tool is called a Smartpen which works like a pen, but use Bluetooth technology to record audio and send it to a smartphone, tablet, or PC. This product is designed to help students capture the most from classroom lectures and documents information that could be missed while in the classroom. This would be an amazing tool in a middle school classroom or higher level of education for students to be able to take notes do assignments. The next tool which is very similar to the one previous one is the C- Pen reader which is a portable device that reads printed text aloud with an English, Spanish or French human-like digital voice. This would be amazing in my future classroom if I had to communicate with a student that has trouble speaking and understanding English. The last and final tool is the Read & Write program which is a program that makes the web, documents, and files more accessible through an intuitive and user-friendly toolbar that assists students, faculty, and staff with everyday tasks such as reading text aloud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work. This program is great for those with learning difficulties, English Language Learners, and/or anyone who needs extra help with their reading and writing. All of these tools are amazing and helpful and I am eager to use these in my future classroom.

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