Edpuzzle is a great tool for a HyperDoc. Edpuzzle is a website and app that tracks students participation in the video. Edpuzzle allows teachers to create checkmarks and questions that are embedded into the video. This feature is a great way for teachers to find out if the student is paying attention or not.
These questions can come at any moment in the video, and you can ask many different types of questions. For example in this picture below, you can see that the video is about 4 minutes long and there is one question in the video. As you can see in the picture this question is an open ended response question. You can make the questions multiple choice as well.

The student is also allowed to rewatch the video or a section of the video if they missed the answer. This gives the students a chance to go back if they missed some of the information. Using this tool as a student it is very helpful to go back in the video and doesn’t create too much stress.

You are able to see from this picture the format of the open-ended question that the video ended with. It will also provide an image of what it looks like for the student to complete an edpuzzle video. For this specific assignment it needs you as the teacher to grade it, so for that reason it will look like this for the student.