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Virtual Field Trip to Mount Vernon

I visited the virtual tour for George Washington’s Mount Vernon Mansion. I was very intrigued by its name and wondered what this place was about. The Mount Vernon Mansion used to be where George Washington and his wife Martha Washington lived. It has rich history as well as lots of space and numerous facilities. Specifically, this mansion consists of multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, a blacksmith shop, gardens, farms, and a river. What I enjoyed the most about this virtual trip was seeing all the beautiful views. I loved seeing how huge each room was, especially the bed chambers. Each room seems to have their own unique charm. Overall, I enjoyed this experience and would recommend it for anyone who loves U.S. History.

The image above shows the Blue Room. It was originally part of the White Room. Washington used this room to store wood and lumber until it became a bed chamber. As the Blue Room started to look more like the image above, its walls were painted blue with a settle white pattern.

The Upper Garden, shown in the image above, was once used to grow fruit and nuts. Nowadays, this garden showcases flowers, vegetables, and has a green house as well.


  1. Hi my name is Natalie! I really enjoyed your blog post on your experience of the virtual tour of George Washington’s Mount Vernon Mansion! It must have been fascinating to discover and learn about. The beautiful views and charm of each room sounds captivating! Thank you for sharing your impressions! Do you think, if given the opportunity, you would go to see this in person?

  2. Hi, my name is Abby! I really enjoyed your blog post and the light it shed on parts of our history. It must have been amazing being able to see all the facilities, different rooms, and views. There is so much to see, I will have to check it out! Thank you for sharing about your visit, the pictures and descriptions are beautiful!

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