In this virtual tour we get to take a look at the inside of all of the rooms that encompass the supreme court building. We see all three of the courtrooms, the Justices’ Library, Lawyers’ Suite, and the lobby of this amazing building. In this tour you also get to learn about the architecture of the building, the facilities, and the artwork. Within this tour you can also gain access to how you can schedule your own visit in person to walk around and see this magnificent building for yourself. It was a very great virtual tour and being someone like me who is so into history I loved seeing all the different rooms inside of the building. In this tour you learn a lot of great information about the building, the art in the rooms, and as well as where the justices work inside of this great building. My favorite part of this virtual tour has to be seeing each separate court room and the differences between each one.
I almost chose this as my topic for my virtual tour as I saw it as both very interesting to explore a famous court room with many different amazing styles and designed and as a chance to learn more about how important laws are discussed and created and what the actual process looks for those who work on them.
This is interesting to me because the Supreme Court is something not a lot of people get to see, so seeing a virtual tour is the next best thing. We get to see where history is made through our screens, and are given info and details that we would get from an actual tour guide! what i’m curious about is how often they update the tour, maybe if things in the rooms change or are moved around, so we are always getting a real-time image.