Using a computer or mobile device, visitors may use virtual tours to explore the museum’s exhibits and locations on their own at their own pace, room by room. Along with historical exhibits that are no longer on display, visitors can also access specific collections and study areas at our satellite support and research stations.
How to Navigate the Site

Getting to the Virtual Tour is simple, click the VISIT tab up on the top. Scroll down the the VISIT AT HOME click on the READ MORE and it will bring you the Virtual Tour page. There you can find the ACCESS THE TOURS and pick which tour you would like to go on from your computer or smart device.
Current Exhibits

The tour I went on was the Current Exhibits. Once clicked on the Current Exhibit box it sent me to a long list of all of the exhibits, the list starts from the entrance where the Big Elephant is all the way to the Museum Grounds.
You can start your tour at any part of the Museum! I started in the Hall of Mammals, there are a list of links that can take you to any part of the exhibits.
Seeing the Exhibit
It was amazing with all of the angle you could do while in the Virtual Tour. The control panel let you move 360 degrees so you can see all of the exhibits angles. The arrows allowed me to move left, right, up, and down. You can even enhance the screen with the + or get closer to the exhibits with the – .

My Experience
The Virtual Tour was a great way to see all of the fun and educational exhibits at the Smithsonian. It was easy to use and best of all it was FREE! This would be a great activity to do in a classroom! It can be a fun scavenger hunt to do with the whole class. Over all I rate the Virtual Tour experience a 8 out of 10, I rather be in person and it took me a minute to get the hang of using the control bar but it was fun to explore the Museum being at home.
This is an incredibly well-crafted blog post on a location I absolutely love. The Smithsonian is one of my favorites museums as it contains a massive variety of different exhibits. Being able to visit the museum through a virtual tour though not as great as in person is a great idea plus the ability to access it for free and see exhibits that are no longer on display is incredible. I also love how well your blog is crafted and styled as you effectively incorporated multiple pictures while formatting the text around them, so it doesn’t waste space.
Hey I really liked the virtual tour you went on as the Smithsonian is very interesting to me and I hope one day I can visit the museum myself to see all the great exhibits that it has to offer. I liked how you taught the readers how to easily access the site and how to navigate through it. It is so cool how each exhibit is shown and you can click on anyone to get a full view of the exhibit and feel like you are actually standing right there inside of the Smithsonian. Have you ever been to the Smithsonian Museum? If so did it truly feel as if you were in the museum while on this virtual tour? If you want to view any of my blog posts or are interested in my newest post about the virtual tour I went on of the Supreme Court click the link below.
This blog entry, which highlights one of my favorite locations—the Smithsonian—is expertly written. The Smithsonian, which is renowned for its enormous collection of exhibits, is very dear to my heart. A virtual tour is a great substitute, even if nothing beats the in-person experience. The accessibility element is even more amazing; it’s amazing to be able to explore for free and view exhibits that aren’t physically on show anymore. I really like the way the blog is laid out and designed, especially the way it mixes in a lot of photographs without making the area look cluttered. It is proof that a good narrative can be told with both words and images.