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The Louvre

I chose a virtual tour of The Louvre. The online experience offers the opportunity for all to visit this amazing place full of history and art collections. The tour offers history about the museum, adding that it was once a palace for the kings of France. Now today, it holds about 10,000 years worth of history, making it the worlds largest museum. For the tour there are three different wings, Richelieu, Sully, and Denon. The wonderful Mona Lisa painting has been here since 2005, which is available to see through pictures on the tour. There are also many more paintings you can look through, also with the option to zoom, allowing people to see close details you may not even notice in person. You have the chance to see Greek sculptures, Egyptian Art, and so much more. This really does give such an amazing chance for people all over the world, regardless of financials, to get to see the beautiful artwork created over so much time!

The options of many paintings to view

The zoom option talked about above


  1. This is such a cool virtual tour. Thank you for sharing it! The Lourve has so many important paintings made by so many amazing artists. This is such a cool tour because of how far away the Lourve is. This is a cool and neat idea to bring into a classroom. You will be able to show and teach your students about not only the Moana Lisa but so many other amazing pieces of art. Very interesting!

  2. Thank you for sharing valuable information about The Louver. I have a little bit of knowledge about this museum The Louvre’s architecture is a blend of medieval, renaissance, and modern styles. Of course! Famous masterpieces such as Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” and the ancient Egyptian “Great Sphinx of Tanis”. It’s my dream to go to this place and explore more things about this museum.

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