The San Deigo Zoo Safari Park offers a way for viewers all over the world to observe and see the animals. They have live cameras all around the park highlighting certain animals. These animals that are highlighted are the koala, baboon, polar bears, penguins, hippos, apes, tigers, platypus, giraffes, burrowing owls, condors, red pandas, elephants, and pandas. It is important to note that these cameras are live cameras so viewers won’t be able to see all of the animals at all times. For example, on the giraffe camera, I was able to see rhinos which I got a screenshot of.

I was also able to get a few more photos of the animals including a koala who looked to be sleeping in a tree, as well as an elephant who was eating. Although most of the footage is live a few animals have pre-recorded footage. One of these was the elephants.

I would also like to provide everyone with the zoo’s mission statement. Which states, “San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is committed to saving species worldwide by uniting our expertise in animal care and conservation science with our dedication to inspiring passion for nature.” (San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, 2024) The most important part of this mission statement is that the zoo aims to take care of the animals as well as promote conservation of these animals.
Live cameras. San Diego Zoo Safari Park. (n.d.).
The San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s live cameras are such a cool way to check out animals from all over the world and having a message go with this live interaction is also amazing.
Wow! What a cool and unique virtual field trip! I think that it is so interesting that San Diego Zoo Safari Park allows you to be able to take a tour through their zoo. I also find it very interesting that you can tap into live feeds of what the animals are actually doing in real-time! It is a very interesting tool that can also be brought into the classroom when talking about wildlife. Showing what these kinds of animals are doing in real time can be a cool way to share and learn about them. Thank you for sharing this virtual tour! Very interesting!
The fascinating virtual tour offered by San Diego Zoo Safari Park had me enthralled. The fact that they broadcast live streams of the animals’ activity in real time and offer guided tours of their zoo is amazing. This creative tool offers a rare chance for both educational and personal exploration—especially when it comes to classroom talks about animals. Learning about the habitats and activities of these creatures can be done dynamically and interestingly by seeing them in their natural surroundings. I’m appreciative that I got to take this virtual tour; it’s quite interesting and instructive!