This chapter was filled with new information that i plan to incorporate within my future classroom. It shares ideas, problems and solutions to certain skills kids and teacher should include within the school day. One that i will be focusing on is, in my opinion, very important for not only teachers and students, but people in general. This is being communication. I shared my personal experiences that communicating should be a face to face conversation, no matter the circumstance. “… communication is the very backbone of education” I express when annotating that it is important for the person to know the tone of the conversation. Conversing over text message or even over the phone they can not sense your body language or facial expression. I feel as though this is very important to get the correct point across. In the text they point out something similar, the point out the fact that what comes with effective communication comes understanding. If understanding is not present within a conversation then no one is educating.

Another topics was about Microsoft Translator which is also talked about also in an article. The article introduces this tool, “The Translator for Education site provides free resources, tools, and how-to guides for live captioning and translation in the classroom.” This can assist with translating foreign transcripts and documents, simplifying the teaching process in my classroom and enhancing the students’ comprehension of the lesson. The first thought was that this can assist with translating foreign transcripts and documents, simplifying the teaching process in my classroom and enhancing the students’ comprehension of the lesson. For example, my mothers student is a boy from China and speaks little to no English. His family also does not have a clear understanding of English as well. So, this is something that I will be introducing to my mom.