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Communication in the Classroom

There are many things we can do to encourage communication in the classroom and make it a stronger quality for many students. As a teacher, we want the students to communicate with us as their support system and communicate with their classmates. We can create many goals to improve our communication with our students and find ways to make students more comfortable when communicating. Firstly, you want the student to feel safe. Not being intimidating to our students and being calm, direct, and collected is the best way to communicate. The students should feel them in a safe environment. Despite shyness, reading to their class shouldn’t be scary or intimidating. Letting students know they can come up to teachers and ask questions will encourage communication. There are 4 main points I believe are most important in communication. Active Listening, Body Language, Writing things down, and engagement take communication to a different level. Active listening shows you are mentally there while someone is speaking and shows that you care about what they’re saying. Body language, like sitting up straight, eye contact, and nodding, are great ways to express your understanding. Writing things down if necessary shows you don’t want to forget what the speaker is saying. Engagement in the conversation like addressing what they’re saying, pointing out details, and repeating them, are all effective ways. Communication is our strongest way to support each other and express ourselves, it’s best we know how to do it right!

  • active listening
  • body language
  • writing things down
  • engagement



  1. I’m a true believer in listening to the students, while they can be chatty, I let them know that I hear them. Once they know they have my attention, they feel that they can trust me. They feel respected. Communication is very powerful in many ways.

  2. Communication is key! As future teachers it is so important for us to use as much communication as possible. We need to communicate with our students and co workers. I agree, Active Listening, Body Language, Writing things down, and engagement take communication to a different level. we defiantly can create goals to improve our communication with our students and find ways to make students more comfortable when communicating. Using communication definitely make it a stronger quality for many students. I loved reading this blog, it was extremely helpful and positive !!

  3. Love this blog post! As a future educator I understand that creating a safe classroom environment is the most important thing a teacher can do. You are so right when you said that in order for students to communicate effectively they must feel safe. Students should feel safe to speak their mind and express their thoughts ideas and concerns. The four points you listed are key components of not only promoting communication in your classroom, but teaching students how to be respectful to one another. Great work!

  4. It is so true that communication within the classroom is one of the most important things that must be established. Bringing up the point that students feel safer with effective communication is something I had not thought about until you brought it up. I know you mentioned the importance of active listening, but how do you make sure to show someone you are listening if you are not able to do the most common ways displaying active listening (such as eye contact or facing the person talking)?


  5. Hi, my name is Gracie Curci. Communication is such a key part in child development. Having great communication can affect a person’s quality of life. I love how you include different ways students can communicate. I also love the importance of having a safe feeling classroom is discussed.

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