Flipgrid is the leading video discussion platform around the world. Flipgrid is often used by educators, students and even families. PreK all the way to PhD teachers can use the platform to record and give instruction, share assignments, make class announcements or initiate a discussion. It can also be used for faculty/community meetings or for long distance communication. Through Flipgrid, the audience can post video reponses to add comments or ask questions.
FlipGrid is easy to access and navigate, plus, it only takes a few minuets to get started! FlipGrid is free to use for the facilitator and the audience. This platform allows people to build better connections with the people in their communities. To me, there is a major difference when texting in an online chat compared to having a group discussion through video responses. It is easier to understand material and more engaging when you can see someone’s face, see their expressions and hear the tone of their voice. FlipGrid can be very beneficial to people who have anxiety about speaking or asking questions in front of a group of people. Being behind a screen during group interactions but also being able to hear and see people creates a great balance of community and comfortability.
I used FlipGrid for the first time this semester and it will not be my last! I will definitely use this fun and free discussion platform as a way to communicate in my future classroom!