X (formerly known as Twitter) is a specific social platform in which professionals connect with other people. X/Twitter can be accessed either by using its website or downloading the app on a smartphone. Teachers use this site consistently to tweet about education, different courses (reading, science, math, English, World Languages, etc), announcements, and current events. Additionally, teachers communicate with their students as well as other educators around the world. We can connect with numerous professionals in a spectrum of fields by following them along with sharing, retweeting, and replying to their posts.

I started using X this semester not only to build my profile, but to create my own content and post it for everyone to see. I have already made collaborations with various people so far, including my peers, Professor Michelle Wendt, and people who work in the Media Industry. We have made safe spaces for discussions on our Goals Project as well as other related topics. Honestly, I am enjoying this experience. This platform allows my voice to be heard, especially through imagery and hashtags. I can express my opinions about news tweets while posting about quotes that students and teachers can resonate with. Moreover, I am able to track how many people have liked, seen, reposted, and commented on my content.