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Chapter 2: Communicators (Microsoft Translator)

When reading the second chapter on Persuall, I thought the area in which the author talked about Microsoft Translator was a super important part of the text. When teaching a classroom, I feel that most teachers think that every student in their class should be able to understand their language and what has been going on in the class. But what we don’t think about is how there are students who may have a language barrier. By using Microsoft Translator, it opens a brand new form of communication that we have not had in the past. The chapter talks about how some schools may not have the funding or the interpreters just hanging around in the building, but Microsoft Translator has created a new way of understanding for all. This resource can even add captions to people speaking in their native language if needed. It has also allowed the student’s families to get more involved in the classroom and communicate fluently with the students. Using Microsoft Translator seems to be a game changer in the communication world, and I know that as a future teacher, if I need a translator for a student or parent, I will choose Microsoft Translator.

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