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Teen Screen in the Classroom

What is Teen Screen?

Teen Screen is a tool that incorporates a diverse lineup of movies that focus on topics that are important, but may be difficult and create an innovative experience. This resource caters to all different backgrounds, learning styles, grade levels, and teaching methods. Class groups can meet at movie theaters or watch the films virtually from the classroom or at home, and each way involves a open discussion about the film which can include an experiences educator that prepares the students for the film or lead follow-up conversations. Teen Screen has movies that focus on Holocaust, Genocide, STEM, Environmentalism, and Social Justice/Human Rights themes. There are so many ways teachers can choose to include this in their lesson in a way they decide which can be a study guide, special guests connected to the topic, discussions, or responses to the film.

This image shows how movies on different topics can keep students engaged.

My Assessment

I chose this tool to talk about because it is a creative way to teach students about certain topics and brings in outside perspectives that explore important topics. As a movie fanatic, I have found from my own experience that films are some of the best ways to learn about topics because it keeps people engaged through an emotional story. As a Holocaust and Genocide minor, I found the movies on those themes to be the most interesting. Throughout the classes I have taken, I have watched multiple movies on the Holocaust and found them to be the most inspiring, educating, and emotional stories. In my future classroom, I would hope to incorporate this resource into my lessons based on books we are reading in class, since I would like to be a High School English teacher. I feel as if this tool can bring more depth to a topic and provide an open conversation about what we are learning.

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