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Expanding a Child’s Horizons with Bilingual Kidspot!

Grades: K-8

Everyday, people from places all over the world are becoming increasingly connected. Whether it be through the comments in a video they both like, social media posts, or even in video games, humans have found ways to make connections. The best part- the interactions experienced do not even have to be in the same language! But what if it was possible to allow these connections to happen at an earlier age?

Connecting kids through language.

The Perks of Bilingual Kidspot

Bilingual Kidspot is a website dedicated to providing books and other resources to kids to aid in their journey of becoming bilingual! They have books in English, Spanish, French and more. Don’t know where to start, well there are several links on different pages of the website that help guide both parent and child to find what can best aid the child in learning a new language, or even just reading for the fun of it!

This is the logo for the Bilingual Kidspot website, click here to visit it! https://bilingualkidspot.com/author/bilingualkidspot/

My Review

When reviewing different tools for this blog, this is the one that got me the most excited. I remember being ecstatic in elementary school when we got to learn Spanish, only to feel let down because I felt as though I never got to learn anything, and I was never able to remember anything since I did not have the resources outside of school to learn it. In my beginning paragraph, I mentioned how the world has grown to be connected in a way that was not previously imaginable. Having the materials to teach, either as a teacher or a parent, would only better the lives of future generations. Not only will students be able to communicate with others, but they may have better opportunities later in life when they become a part of the work force. I chose this tool for those reasons, as there are no negatives to knowing multiple languages. I find that the most useful function of this website is the various learning tools within the website. There is a tab about culture, which includes facts about how different cultures celebrate the same holiday, or how cultures have one specific holiday that others do not, such as Ramadan. There is also a tab titled “Bilingual Kids”, which gives tips on raising a bilingual child, and so many other types of resources found in other tabs. The website provides access to activities to improve speech, writing activities for creativity and more, all of which would be useful in a classroom setting. In my own classroom, I would set time aside to use one of the online books found on the website to do a class activity, and then break down into small groups so that students can help each other understand and learn more from the discussion. In my eyes, giving students access to communicate better with others is only beneficial for everybody, so why not make the most out of it by providing the resources to learn another language!

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