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Educational Technology


National Geographic offers many learning opportunities to students k-12. This tool is inclusive to all students of all ages. Keeping students engaged with our planet is crucial for the future generations of students. I chose National Geographic focused in Marine life and conservation because i am highly engaged with the ocean, and actually wanted to persue marine biology as my full time career for awhile. I feel very passionate about the ocean and marine life and feel that teaching it to younger students can give them that same live an passion for it as well. The ocean has a huge responsibility for keeping us alive and regulating our ecosystem. There are many resources found on National Geographic that can inform kids about what they can do to be engaged and so many links to research on their own. There are videos and articles about marine life cycles, food chains, discovering the sea floor, exploring coral forests and more! These resources introduce geography, oceanography, geology, and earth science to students! Students can learn about endangered animals and what we can do as a species to keep those animals alive. I’m excited to use these tools in the classroom and encourage other teachers to as well!

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